
Showing posts from August, 2009


Dear Universe, Thank you for your messages today. They were simple but obviously very important because you gave me three chances to take action. The first message you sent was brilliant and thankfully easy for me to understand. Early this morning, I was drawn to a particular chapter in a book on my nightstand. As you know, the text was about the use of crayons to get in touch with childhood dreams that had been long forgotten. I loved the idea and had good intentions to follow through today and find some crayons. Then, the day turned to night and before I knew it, it was 9:00 and I found myself opening an email which by the way was a freaky second message. The email was from a friend in Chicago and it had a dozen attachments of masterpieces drawn with, well, you know, crayons. WOW! I was so excited that I started writing you a letter and posting it in this blog. As I was typing the final line of my letter, everything went blank and nothing was saved. I do recall that the last line I h...

Weekly Three Card Tarot Reading

Weekly Three Card Tarot Reading

Dogs are primal Einsteins

When my two daughters started an argument in the car earlier today, they brought it into the house and continued throwing not only verbal balls of fire but also unseen energy. Even after a few hours passed and they were able to quietly converse about their differences the air was still ripped with tension. Our family dog scratched on the outside of the door to my office seeking shelter and I gladly let him into my cave. When he heard their voices getting louder,he pushed my legs aside and hid under my desk. He is laying at my feet as I type this. I don't think he has ever hid under my desk or his cave. Which brings me to what we don't know about dogs. There are thousands of sites that contain the topic of how anger effects dogs. At one of them, I found the following supporting material, "Many dogs slink away and hide or sulk when their human "parents" argue. A major league fight between adults really seems to take its toll on some dogs. It appears from the dog...

Just Move It!

Earlier I was sitting in a dark air conditioned room, my legs were pumping up and down, spinning,so fast that I had sweat dripping on to the mat below my stationary bike. I was in a spin class and the instructor was a senior citizen who was kicking my butt and the butts of those around me.... "Take a water break if you need it", he yelled out over the blasting song, "Born to be alive." At that moment, I took my water break without missing a step and kept up the frantic spin pace on my bike. Then, it hit me, total euphoria! This is what juices me. I love to move, to feel blood pulsing and the body sweating and purifying itself. I felt alive! There is an entire study on human physiology and the science of human movement and its effects on the body. I highly recommend moving your tush today. If a spin class is not for you, try a bike ride, roller blade, a long walk, dance, swim, surf, golf, play kick ball, soccer or jump rope! Enjoy being alive.