
Dear Universe, Thank you for your messages today. They were simple but obviously very important because you gave me three chances to take action. The first message you sent was brilliant and thankfully easy for me to understand. Early this morning, I was drawn to a particular chapter in a book on my nightstand. As you know, the text was about the use of crayons to get in touch with childhood dreams that had been long forgotten. I loved the idea and had good intentions to follow through today and find some crayons. Then, the day turned to night and before I knew it, it was 9:00 and I found myself opening an email which by the way was a freaky second message. The email was from a friend in Chicago and it had a dozen attachments of masterpieces drawn with, well, you know, crayons. WOW! I was so excited that I started writing you a letter and posting it in this blog. As I was typing the final line of my letter, everything went blank and nothing was saved. I do recall that the last line I h...