Driving home my husband and I went the scenic route and after stopping for lunch I read the first few pages of what I had written in my journal while I was waiting for him to finish his appointment: I want people to get "it" and to think about "it"and to find their own understanding of "it". For example, do you get the whole concept of "it", I said. "Yes. The reason you can call a tree a tree is because your brain uses the electrons and energy waves and goes and finds the memory as well as the label and then you say, tree," he said. "Yes, but I want to talk about where that energy comes from that tells the tree to grow? I know, water pushes up and soil gives nutrients, the sun and the air and the elements all help it grow. There is something behind that. What if all of a sudden there was no it? It would be like the plug was pulled on the TV in the middle of a movie. Everything would end. Nothing would exist," I said...