

Fluid is the river that floats in the atmosphere up in the clouds above us.  Fluid is the cellular make up of our bodies.  Fluid are our very lives.  Fluid are our thoughts, feelings, talents, and abilities. Last week, I received an email from  I’ve been getting his emails about writing ideas and seminars for a year or so.  I glance at them and then delete.  Sometimes I just highlight his email with the rest of the unimportant emails and delete in mass.  For some reason, I actually read one of his emails from start to finish and sent a response.  A Representative named Liz responded back.  This went back and forth several times.  I told “Liz” some pretty private information, no not my SSI# or my mother’s maiden name (Schmotzer) but, how I felt about my writing and what I was writing and wasn’t writing. Shock, a stranger got through to me.  Should I send her a dozen roses? In our World of don’t trust anyone...
Even though I don't believe in channeled material, this material I've been told is channeled. It flew out of me, uninterrupted, except for a power outage and even though I never hit save, it was still here when my computer came back on.   In reality, all of you had a pill to swallow. The Red pill or The blue pill. Two very different virus options. Each causing a nasty illness of the psyche. One came with more immediate symptoms of dread, depression, heart palpitations as well as an obnoxious taste in the mouth, like an old root canal gone bad. The other caused some to have the sensation of bugs crawling on the skin, a constant ringing in the ears, paranoia, and or a burning in the throat.  Both are extreemly toxic.  Each pre-designed to be fatal to human kindness and love.  Don't be fooled, one virus is not better than the other. Laying awake in the dark, you ask, "God, is there really no cure?"   Is there no clinical trial? Is there ...

Notes from the middle of the night

I don’t want to be asleep any longer. I love living. It’s something that you can’t fake. I know who I am. I know what I believe. And that’s all I need to know. I’m like the alchemist; I can create anything I want to create.   I want the world to be better because I was here. If I’m not making someone else’s experience better-then, why am I here? Believe it.   Embrace the idea you have, whatever that may be. Our thoughts, feelings, our dreams and ideas are real. Commit to something. Now it’s alive.   It is real. The patterns in the Universe have shifted the moment the choice was made. Once a decision is made focus with everything you’ve got. Biophotons communicate in the cells in our body. The power of decision is powerful and achievement will gather around.   If the mind is consciously aware of the source of the field then the thought will be shot forth with tremendous force and accomplishment.   The power of thought depends on where it comes from....

The Happiness Package

M y husband and I recently carpooled from Weston to Orlando with a young woman we befriended at a wealth building seminar who lives near us.  During the four hour drive she confessed she wanted to be happy.  I was taken back.  She's beautiful, thin, fit, healthy, has two bright sons, has a large home and a new SUV, money saved, a retirement plan, and a high paid professional position with a multi-billion dollar company. "You're not happy?" "No. I haven't been happy for a long time.  Is anyone really happy?" she said.   "I'm happy. It actually is my identity. It comes easy for me. I bring it with me. I'm not searching for it."  "I wish I could say that," she said. "Then say it."   She winced and looked at me in the rear-view mirror, it's not that simple." I smiled at her.  "It is that simple." "No, I don't think so." "Thoughts are forces.  Words have meaning...

The Age of The Sensitive Man

Splashing in the deep end of the adult water fitness class, I couldn't help but notice a man sitting on the side of the pool holding his infant daughter. She was wearing a pink one piece swim suit and a white floppy hat. I doubted that she was even able to walk yet. Her cherub like legs hung down over the edge of the pool and her tiny toes barely touched the surface of the water. The contrast of the man in his prime with guns that rivaled Mr. Florida holding that tiny human was inspiring.   One of the men in my class introduced us to his grandson.   He’s a handsome young man around fifteen.   My British swim mate commented that he was dishy.    He was- dishy but, what was even better was the fact that a fifteen year old would partake in a water fitness class with his seventy-something Granddad.   As touching as the man with his baby girl sitting by the side of the pool, the grandson and grandfather partnering during water exercises was equally as pre...

Clean Up Your Air in 24 Hours

What's the First Thing You Can Do to Improve Air Quality in Your Home or Office? . Living closer to nature may actually even help increase your quality of life.   It was NASA, along with the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA), that conducted a classic study on the benefits of plants on indoor air.  NASA reported that houseplants were able to reduce up to 87 percent of air toxins in 24 hours. They recommended using 15 to 18 'good-sized' houseplants in 6 to 8-inch diameter containers for an 1800 square-foot house.  And not just any house plants will do… here's a list of the top 10 anti-pollutant plants rated best by The New… 1.       The Feston Rose plant 2.       Devil's Ivy 3.       Phalaenopsis 4.       English Ivy 5.       Parlor Ivy 6.       African Violets 7.   ...

Rule Breakers

It wasn’t a lazy morning at the outdoor Olympic sized pool. We worked every muscle, even the ones in our mouth. The first hour was deep water abs, hamstrings, triceps and biceps – pure Hell hour. By the end of the second hour we had digressed to working another muscle, the one that allows the tongue to wag. A group of women ranging in age from 40-60 were talking about a girl’s weekend trip to NYC to take in some shows. “We can use our student ID’s and get in for $30,” she said. “What student ID’s?” “The kids make them, it’s easy to get them-fake ones,” she said. That’s when I said, “Wow.” “You are so American,” she said. “I would never think of that. I’m amazed.” Seeing my surprise at the devilish yet simply brilliant idea another woman spoke up. Here’s what she said, “We- a group of people I worked with made fake ID’s and got all the way to the vehicle staging station during the first shuttle launch at Cape Canaveral.” The hinge on my mouth couldn’t have dropped any ...