The Age of The Sensitive Man

One of the men in my class introduced us to his grandson. He’s a handsome young man around fifteen. My British swim mate commented that he was dishy. He was- dishy but, what was even better was the fact that a fifteen year old would partake in a water fitness class with his seventy-something Granddad. As touching as the man with his baby girl sitting by the side of the pool, the grandson and grandfather partnering during water exercises was equally as precious. It’s not something you see every day.
Which got me thinking-Are Men's roles changing? It seems they are. More and more Dads are staying home to care for smaller children, working from home, working less hours, taking more vacation and connecting to what’s really important. Even with all the constant media hounding them to swim with the sharks, run with the big dogs, and to buy bigger better, and faster they’re not- at least not all of them. They seem to have come into their own as men and have embraced their ability- their nature to nurture. It’s a beautiful thing. There has been a shift to the Age Of The Sensitive Man.