When she heard Jane say, "Yahh."

What makes you so happy? She asked the 30'ish, perky, up beat, post orgasmic sounding woman.
"What other option do I have?" Kelly replied.
"Well, what ever you are doing or eating, I want some.
You are too darn happy." snipped the woman on the other end of the phone.
Kelly's voice raised, placing emphasis on "seriously", as she spoke,
"Seriously, you want to know my secret?"
Jane, the other woman, relented. The tone, pitch and vibe behind her one sound response let Kelly know that the conversation had turned from early morning corporate pleasantries to her kind of interaction, deep, meaningful, and potentially life altering. Jane breathed like she had just inhaled a drag and blew a long tunnel of smoke out like she was trying to be cool, "Yahh".
The two went back and forth in a heady conversation with periods of intense silence that swelled with wonder , releasing an understanding that spilled and splashed energy that transformed to pure potential.


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