Bob Decker said...
And this is so true. My teacher, Dick Sutphen, is fond of saying that we are beings of unconditional light and love, but it's buried under delusional fear based thinking. When we strip away the fear we can be what we really are: spiritual beings having a human experience.
April 11, 2008 10:56 PM
Pap's reply:
Spiritual beings having a human experience. Yes. When I was younger, much younger, I wrote about daily experiences in the body clouding my crystal. Now, in this time, my crystal is getting clearer. It will take more time, it is not an instant fix, at least not for me yet. However, something interesting happens when you meditate on a consistent basis. When we are paying attention to everyday human interactions, from the spirit being that we are-- it is not that the human experiences and interactions are less intense or less challenging, it is just as if there is a list of choices. For me there is a window and on that window, I see the choices clearly and I choose with out emotion or that fear based thinking. When I do that, the crystal gets clearer. At this point, I am practicing, I certainly don't have it mastered.
And this is so true. My teacher, Dick Sutphen, is fond of saying that we are beings of unconditional light and love, but it's buried under delusional fear based thinking. When we strip away the fear we can be what we really are: spiritual beings having a human experience.
April 11, 2008 10:56 PM
Pap's reply:
Spiritual beings having a human experience. Yes. When I was younger, much younger, I wrote about daily experiences in the body clouding my crystal. Now, in this time, my crystal is getting clearer. It will take more time, it is not an instant fix, at least not for me yet. However, something interesting happens when you meditate on a consistent basis. When we are paying attention to everyday human interactions, from the spirit being that we are-- it is not that the human experiences and interactions are less intense or less challenging, it is just as if there is a list of choices. For me there is a window and on that window, I see the choices clearly and I choose with out emotion or that fear based thinking. When I do that, the crystal gets clearer. At this point, I am practicing, I certainly don't have it mastered.