Magical Living

The card above is The Magus. It is attributed astrologically to Mercury. In the traditional decks it is called the Magician.
Mercury governs things like communication, healing, magick,computers. When it comes up in a reading I usually tell the client that it looks like they're striving to develop their talents and self-actualize.
And the reason I would say this is we are all Magicians: we create our own reality continually out of our thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and emotions. We can do this consciously or not consciously.
And here lies the problem: most people are not aware of their Divine creative nature, they wander through life bewildered, feeling like victims. This isn't because we are inherently bad. It's because we are filled with fear based emotions, fear being an acronym for False Education Appearing to be Real.
As we strip away fears and get in touch with our true selves only good things can happen for us. Let's make up our minds to have a good day.
Mercury governs things like communication, healing, magick,computers. When it comes up in a reading I usually tell the client that it looks like they're striving to develop their talents and self-actualize.
And the reason I would say this is we are all Magicians: we create our own reality continually out of our thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and emotions. We can do this consciously or not consciously.
And here lies the problem: most people are not aware of their Divine creative nature, they wander through life bewildered, feeling like victims. This isn't because we are inherently bad. It's because we are filled with fear based emotions, fear being an acronym for False Education Appearing to be Real.
As we strip away fears and get in touch with our true selves only good things can happen for us. Let's make up our minds to have a good day.
When you draw a card for the day, is that a card that humanity needs to focus on that day or is it just for those that happen to see the message.... it is one and the same and doesn't make much difference.... really. Now that I have thought out loud...
You wrote, "Most people are not aware of their Divine creative nature"... how true but there are those who are aware and then there are those who are confused because there is an infinite flow of creativity open before they don't know which way to go or where to focus first. How does one strip away and find their true self quickly? Maybe the answer is in the cards!