Change yourself, Change your World.

"There is nothing you can say or do to change another person. People will change only when they are ready. The only people we have the power to change is ourselves.When we change ourselves, however,we often find that the change we desired happens in others as well"
Open Your Mind, Open Your Life.

This is because we are at one with all things. Peoples attitudes are projections of our thoughts and expectations. What they do to or for us is karmic in nature. Once we have learned the lesson that person has to teach us, they will either disappear or seem to change altogether.

I was bullied a great deal as a child. I had low self-esteem and really did not want to associate with others. It's been a long hard road, but I no longer attract rude, insensitive, or cruel people into my life. I have raised my self-esteem and my vibration to where I no longer need their teachings.

Try to remember that if someone has a quality or way about themselves that really "gets under your skin", we need to look within ourselves at the part of us that gets angry when we think of them. Odds are, we'll find we have similar negative qualities within ourselves that we have not yet addressed.

Realizing this can let us see our lives from a whole different perspective. We are not victims, there are no perpetrators, everything is for a reason. The reason is to assist our spiritual growth All people are our teachers. It's up to us to learn the lessons and move on.


Boy that is so true- every word. Thanks for the reminder.

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