Friday was a good day for learning..... I had two "ah ha" moments and both were about energy.
First, I witnessed a Kenesiologist use his skill to show how the human body recognizes energy in an object held in the hand of the subject. If the energy recognized was good for the body the subjects arm would be able to be held up with ease and if the energy in the object was bad for the body, the subjects arm would easily fall down with a slight tap from the Kenesiologist. I had been told about similar events happening with doctors who determine if their patients are allergic to one food or another by holding the food and doing the same energy test. I thought it was bunk. Modern day snake oil medicine peddled by con artists. I was wrong. It is all about the energy. Everything is "IT". That "IT" is what we call energy. It can neither be created or destroyed and it can not hide and it can not lie.
The next "ah ha" moment about energy was at a Reiki healing circle. I had been to a few Reiki sessions before and the jury was still deliberating in my head. The husband of one of my friends made a joke and said, "Reiki was probably developed my a dirty old man who wanted to touch young women." and another said, "Reiki therapists are a dime a dozen." Even though I knew that most practitioners were highly ethical and gifted, it was difficult to maintain an open mind with those kinds of comments. I pushed the negative thoughts aside and went for a relaxing healing with an open mind. Energy was there in abundance with flashing colors in my head, and tingling heat on my physical body;but, that wasn't the "ah ha"part. The "ah ha" came before the healing. The owner of the shop, where the Reiki session was held started by explaining what Reiki was and what to expect. While he was talking, it hit me........... it was how he said it, "it's all about the energy." Simple as it was, it was just those 5 words that gave me the "ah ha".
First, I witnessed a Kenesiologist use his skill to show how the human body recognizes energy in an object held in the hand of the subject. If the energy recognized was good for the body the subjects arm would be able to be held up with ease and if the energy in the object was bad for the body, the subjects arm would easily fall down with a slight tap from the Kenesiologist. I had been told about similar events happening with doctors who determine if their patients are allergic to one food or another by holding the food and doing the same energy test. I thought it was bunk. Modern day snake oil medicine peddled by con artists. I was wrong. It is all about the energy. Everything is "IT". That "IT" is what we call energy. It can neither be created or destroyed and it can not hide and it can not lie.
The next "ah ha" moment about energy was at a Reiki healing circle. I had been to a few Reiki sessions before and the jury was still deliberating in my head. The husband of one of my friends made a joke and said, "Reiki was probably developed my a dirty old man who wanted to touch young women." and another said, "Reiki therapists are a dime a dozen." Even though I knew that most practitioners were highly ethical and gifted, it was difficult to maintain an open mind with those kinds of comments. I pushed the negative thoughts aside and went for a relaxing healing with an open mind. Energy was there in abundance with flashing colors in my head, and tingling heat on my physical body;but, that wasn't the "ah ha"part. The "ah ha" came before the healing. The owner of the shop, where the Reiki session was held started by explaining what Reiki was and what to expect. While he was talking, it hit me........... it was how he said it, "it's all about the energy." Simple as it was, it was just those 5 words that gave me the "ah ha".