Freedom or Security?

"Consider carefully before trading freedom, challenge, and growth opportunities for comfort and security"-Dick Sutphen

This month marks my third anniversary of following my bliss as a full time Tarot reader and hypnotist. I worked for years as a telemarketer, and at times a customer service rep, for some of the largest corporations in the world.

There was always enough to pay the bills, but I felt desperate inside for a change. The work became so routine, and being stuck inside on a beautiful day was often so constricting.

I dreamed of working maybe just four hours a day and doing metaphysical activity the rest of the time. At one point I was doing exactly that. I had a part-time job at a mortgage company. The hours were four hours a day, four days a week.

I was living my dream, or was I? I really was tired of the whole telemarketing thing, but didn't know how to get off the merry-go-round. Then an opportunity came along.

The owner of a store wanted me to read on weekends. She was willing to be very flexible, I didn't have to give up my day job and really risk anything. I eagerly accepted.

But one Sunday morning I did a divination with an I-Ching based oracle that I had grown to trust. I went ahead and asked a fateful question: what would be the result of my going into Tarot reading full-time?

The answer was resoundingly positive, and it suggested I form a partnership right away. I called the store owner and arranged a meeting that day.

I told her of my dreams and my divination that day. Her response was "since we're realizing our dreams through having this store, we may as well help you realize your dream of being a reader, you can work all the days and hours you want".

I worked that week at the mortgage company, went in that weekend and read at the store to make sure we all got along. The following Monday I quit my job.

A week and a day after I quit, they fired all the telemarketers, closed the entire division. And I started to make more money than when I did the telemarketing and the readings part time! And I've never looked back.

Don't give up your dreams. Work part time at them if you must, bridge over as you can. Life is too precious and short to be lived unfulfilled.


Bob, I had seen that post in the rough draft stage and I thought I had written it..... it was my life, my plight. I was wondering when you would post it. I read it today, a day I was feeling like going and getting back on the merry go round, ah, sweet syncronisity at work. My ego wants to go back for another go round but my "it" says , "No, I don't think so." Thanks so much for your words.

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