Happy Memorial Day!

Hope you all had a nice long Memorial Day weekend and enjoyed the first day of the Mercury Retrograde.......Yep, just a heads up, Monday the 26th was not just Memorial Day, it was the start of a Mercury Retrograde. Remember, it is a great time to re- "anything", renovate, re-decorate, re-invent, re-unite,re-distribute,re-join,re-write,recreate, you get the idea. It is also a good time to find lost articles that you might have lost during the last retrograde. I lost a favorite earring and mysteriously, it showed up on the following retrograde. So, if you lose something, don't stress too much. You will probably find it in a few months.

Things having to do with electronics can go haywire during this time and I'm not just talking about your Mac! Your car, your microwave, anything that has a computer chip in it can act up. (My power went out while typing this!) Depending on your sign and your particular chart, some retrogrades are worse than others. This one may not bother you at all. However, It is not advised to start a new job or buy a business during a retrograde. It is just not a great time to make a large purchase period; don't buy a house, a car a Plasma TV, a pure bread furry friend.....(there can be mix ups, misunderstandings, and things missed in the legal paperwork that goes with large purchases) or anything big at this time.

It is especially not a good time to start a new relationship. Don't go out on the town looking for "The One"; cosmically speaking, there are much better days ahead for that, after June 20th. There can also be delays now so, just give yourself plenty of room on your schedule for some extra time between appointments.

On a brighter note, friends from the past tend to show up before, on and during a Mercury Retrograde. You will get a call, a note, a post or a visit from someone from your past in the next few weeks, guaranteed. If Mercury falls on your astrological chart in your house of love you are sure to hear from a lover from the past.


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