It's Your Choice

The way you think about yourself is your choice. It's your choice to think, "I don't have the right stuff. I am old. I am tired. I am just a number." It is also your choice to think, "I am amazing! I am just getting started. I am better every day! I am unique." In 1908 in his prelude, to "In Tune With The Infinite", Ralph Waldo Trine wrote, "The optimist is right. The pessimist is right. The one differs from the other as the light from the dark. Yet both are right. Each is right from his own particular point of view, and this point of view is the determining factor in the life of each. It determines as to whether it is a life of power or of impotence, of peace or of pain, of success or of failure." It's your choice, to see the light or to see the darkness. Look at yourself with wisdom or with ignorance. It was, is and will always be your choice.


Bob Decker said…
And you're so right! As I always like to say, whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, either way you're right! It's always up to us what sort of day we have. More than any time in history human beings have access to spiritual technologies which can uplift and transform us at any given time. We just to choose to use them. May you always remember this and never thirst.

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