Love is Prayer

"You pray to what you love; for true, whole prayer is nothing but love."-St. Augustine

And this is so true, for God is Love, the unifying force of the whole universe. In true prayer we are love, filled with love, and thus at one with God. It matters not what we call God or what we claim as our creed, when we pray from the bottom of our heart , we align ourselves with unconditional love.

And by extension, as we express unconditional love to those around us, we align ourselves with the presence of God. As we love others we acknowledge the Divine nature within them. Thus our daily lives can become a prayer in motion. As a wise man once said,"Inflame thyself with prayer"!
Let's make our lives on earth a spiritual bonfire today.


Sweet post! I had meetings all day today- but before my day began I prayed. What I asked for was to be conscious in my connections with each human.... to interact from the God within not from the ego. It was a beautiful day. Sorry we keep missing each other... The Universe has some plan...
I've been out of town and just re-read some of your posts. I think this is one of my favorite. I love the last line, "Let's make our lives on earth a spiritual bon fire today!" Wow!

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