A rut and a grave only differ in depth.

Our lives tend to consist of a series of routines. From the time we "choose" to eat breakfast to the route we "pick" to get to work to the way we tend to "respond" to people around us are highly mechanized. We don't really "choose" much of anything. We pick up our routines from people around us, whether they be parents, bosses, friends or lovers.

A lot of our energy goes into maintaining these routines. Consequently, we lose contact with the true source of our life force: eternal spirit. Disrupting or destroying our routines won't bring us closer to it. That would only disrupt our energy patterns for a while and possibly make our lives more difficult than ever.

We tend to constantly look to the past or the future. By staying in the now, in the moment, we can begin to come into contact with that eternal source that lives within us. In my traditon it's referred to as the Holy Guardian Angel. Others call it Spirit, the Tao, God, etc.

There are many ways to get in touch with this immortal core of our being: meditation, prayer, ritual, have all been used with great success by individuals. As we get in touch with this core, our ego (routines and ruts) becomes transformed. We begin to really live instead of going through life with one foot in the grave, and the other in a rut.


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