your life's mission
after reading "mission possible" i actually did google life's mission and this is one of the many links that came up
5 Ways to Find Your Life's Mission
By Abhinabha Tangerman Platinum Quality Author
Where are we here for? A well-known question, no doubt, but also one which has slid down from its noble heights into the black hole of the cliché. For we seldom ask ourselves this question in earnest. Yet if we did, we would rediscover new meaning in our lives. Knowing what we came to do here on earth, knowing our life's mission, can be richly rewarding. We would see ourselves shifting from boredom to freedom, from dread to joy and from frustration to happiness. As Walt Disney once said: "Do not dream your life; live your dream!"
Here are five ways how we can discover our life's mission:
1. Go back to your childhood dreams.
When you were a child you always lived in your heart. You enjoyed spontaneous happiness, without a care or worry in the world. You lived close to the source, your own soul. So the dreams you had when you were a child often reflect a part of the mission your soul has undertaken by coming into this world.
2. Take long walks in nature.
When we are in nature, our minds automatically become tranquil and calm. Nature has a soothing effect on us. And when our mind is relaxed we often we get the greatest ideas, visions and revelations. We may even get a glimpse of our life's mission, for the special role we are meant to play on the earth-stage.
3.Be creative.
Try to be as creative as you can be. Creativity is a way through which our soul manifests its special qualities. The more in tune we are with our soul's qualities, the sooner we will discover our soul's special purpose.
4. Keep an open mind.
We do not know what our mission is. It may be something that our mind initially may not accept. Yet the more flexible our mind is, the easier it will be for us to hear the dictates of our soul. A flexible mind is also a clearer mind, unclogged by preconceived ideas and rusty opinions. If we keep an open and clear mind, a mind willing to change and to adopt new ideas and new ways, we prepare ourselves for the revelation of our life-mission.
5. Meditate!
This may be the best piece of advice. We have to dive deep within and establish a living connection with our soul, the divinity deep inside us. As spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy states, "Your mission is in the inmost recesses of your heart, and you have to find and fulfil it there. There can be no external way for you to fulfil your mission." Once we are truly in tune with our soul, in becomes quite easy to know our life's mission. And we will also get ample capacity to fulfil our mission and live up to our deepest and most rewarding dreams.
5 Ways to Find Your Life's Mission
By Abhinabha Tangerman Platinum Quality Author
Where are we here for? A well-known question, no doubt, but also one which has slid down from its noble heights into the black hole of the cliché. For we seldom ask ourselves this question in earnest. Yet if we did, we would rediscover new meaning in our lives. Knowing what we came to do here on earth, knowing our life's mission, can be richly rewarding. We would see ourselves shifting from boredom to freedom, from dread to joy and from frustration to happiness. As Walt Disney once said: "Do not dream your life; live your dream!"
Here are five ways how we can discover our life's mission:
1. Go back to your childhood dreams.
When you were a child you always lived in your heart. You enjoyed spontaneous happiness, without a care or worry in the world. You lived close to the source, your own soul. So the dreams you had when you were a child often reflect a part of the mission your soul has undertaken by coming into this world.
2. Take long walks in nature.
When we are in nature, our minds automatically become tranquil and calm. Nature has a soothing effect on us. And when our mind is relaxed we often we get the greatest ideas, visions and revelations. We may even get a glimpse of our life's mission, for the special role we are meant to play on the earth-stage.
3.Be creative.
Try to be as creative as you can be. Creativity is a way through which our soul manifests its special qualities. The more in tune we are with our soul's qualities, the sooner we will discover our soul's special purpose.
4. Keep an open mind.
We do not know what our mission is. It may be something that our mind initially may not accept. Yet the more flexible our mind is, the easier it will be for us to hear the dictates of our soul. A flexible mind is also a clearer mind, unclogged by preconceived ideas and rusty opinions. If we keep an open and clear mind, a mind willing to change and to adopt new ideas and new ways, we prepare ourselves for the revelation of our life-mission.
5. Meditate!
This may be the best piece of advice. We have to dive deep within and establish a living connection with our soul, the divinity deep inside us. As spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy states, "Your mission is in the inmost recesses of your heart, and you have to find and fulfil it there. There can be no external way for you to fulfil your mission." Once we are truly in tune with our soul, in becomes quite easy to know our life's mission. And we will also get ample capacity to fulfil our mission and live up to our deepest and most rewarding dreams.