The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

Have you ever had a dream that you just couldn't seem to get out of your head and you keep trying to figure out what it means? I had a dream the other night and for the last few days, I have been replaying what I said and what I saw in my dream. Then, today after a phone conversation, it hit me. I know what the dream is all about.
In my dream I was in an unfamiliar yard but it was my yard none the less. I was pacing the lawn and I kept telling everyone, I just want greener grass. I just really want to see green, green grass in my yard! You have heard the old saying, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." We often think that the grass will be greener somewhere else. We don't see how perfect and beautiful our own grass is. In my dream, I could not see that my grass was green but to make things worse, I couldn't find any green grass anywhere, not across the street and not in any other area. The good thing was I was looking in my own yard for the green grass and I wanted to see it there. I knew it would be there but it would take time and I wanted to see it already.
Today while on the phone negotiating a contract with a prospective employer, I realized that what I have in my own "yard", in my own business with my husband, is grass that I want to see greener. I do not need to find greener grass on the other side of the fence or in another business oportunity.
Then again, one might see my dream as if I am not seeing the potential, or the gr$$n on my own side of the fence. I really really want to but I don't see it there, yet. I didn't see it anywhere in my dream.
My plan is to wait for the rainy season to end, plant some new grass seeds, fertilize my own business interests, dream again and see the grass get really green. I don't need to go to the other side of the fence to find greener grass because, it's not there right now either.
In my dream I was in an unfamiliar yard but it was my yard none the less. I was pacing the lawn and I kept telling everyone, I just want greener grass. I just really want to see green, green grass in my yard! You have heard the old saying, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." We often think that the grass will be greener somewhere else. We don't see how perfect and beautiful our own grass is. In my dream, I could not see that my grass was green but to make things worse, I couldn't find any green grass anywhere, not across the street and not in any other area. The good thing was I was looking in my own yard for the green grass and I wanted to see it there. I knew it would be there but it would take time and I wanted to see it already.
Today while on the phone negotiating a contract with a prospective employer, I realized that what I have in my own "yard", in my own business with my husband, is grass that I want to see greener. I do not need to find greener grass on the other side of the fence or in another business oportunity.
Then again, one might see my dream as if I am not seeing the potential, or the gr$$n on my own side of the fence. I really really want to but I don't see it there, yet. I didn't see it anywhere in my dream.
My plan is to wait for the rainy season to end, plant some new grass seeds, fertilize my own business interests, dream again and see the grass get really green. I don't need to go to the other side of the fence to find greener grass because, it's not there right now either.