Sarah Palin
This post is not very happy.
Wake UP People!!!! This election is about the Republican vs. Democratic agenda not about Black vs. White or Old vs. Young or Man vs. Woman! Oh how you are being manipulated!!! OH MY GOD!!! It irks me to no end that many people in this country are actually "Happy" that Sarah Palin is on the Republican ticket as the next in line to run the country in the event that Ole' McCain kicks the bucket in the White House......which is very possible as he has had four bouts with cancer... Although they have dragged his Mother out to show everyone that longevity runs in the gene pool.
If you are one of the Americans who are happy about the Palin choice, I would really like to hear from you and I want to know if your head is buried in the sand or are you just NUTS? By the way, I am not a Republican. I am just very upset that our country is yes, it truly is full of millions of idiots that think that she is the end all be all. Then you have the press that is using this news as the latest play toy to dangle in our faces....soon the entire country will be purrrrrrring......... P-A-L-I-N. She is not the issue! The issue is are you thrilled with either Presidential candidate on either ticket? I for one am not.
Wake UP People!!!! This election is about the Republican vs. Democratic agenda not about Black vs. White or Old vs. Young or Man vs. Woman! Oh how you are being manipulated!!! OH MY GOD!!! It irks me to no end that many people in this country are actually "Happy" that Sarah Palin is on the Republican ticket as the next in line to run the country in the event that Ole' McCain kicks the bucket in the White House......which is very possible as he has had four bouts with cancer... Although they have dragged his Mother out to show everyone that longevity runs in the gene pool.
If you are one of the Americans who are happy about the Palin choice, I would really like to hear from you and I want to know if your head is buried in the sand or are you just NUTS? By the way, I am not a Republican. I am just very upset that our country is yes, it truly is full of millions of idiots that think that she is the end all be all. Then you have the press that is using this news as the latest play toy to dangle in our faces....soon the entire country will be purrrrrrring......... P-A-L-I-N. She is not the issue! The issue is are you thrilled with either Presidential candidate on either ticket? I for one am not.