The Moses Code for Buddha

Originally I posted this in 2008. It's worth reading again.
This weekend I took a workshop led by James Twyman, the author of the Moses Code. I highly recommend the book, the movie and the CD. One of the tracks of the CD has a frequency meditation based on a numerical value of the name of God. Not the word God but the name of God.
When James Twyman played the CD in the small conference room, the energy shifted. You can call me goofy or Pollyanna... or you can just get a copy of it and listen to the Moses Code Meditation track. We had all just come in when he asked us to close our eyes and feel the energy in the room. What I heard was someone switching an old radio dial....interference and noise. Then he played the Moses Code Meditation track, just part of it. When he turned it off he asked us again to feel the energy in the room. What I heard was a hum, a pink and purple rainbow hum. Back to my earlier comment when I said you may call me goofy, yes, I heard colors... I liked it so much that I bought the CD.
Today, I was in my office and it was becoming nearer and nearer to the Buddha-pest hour. Buddha is our 13 week old puppy. He gets completely wired at a certain time in the evening. I decided to try a little experiment. I played the CD for him. He stood in a trance and dropped his squeaky toy. It was as if gravity was stronger than usual; the rubber duck hit the floor with a thud that didn't startle Buddha. He stood mesmerized, tilted his head and laid down on the floor quietly as if he had entered a sacred place and knew not to make a sound.
He is all about energy. He gets it. I guess his response was nothing different than the reports of primates responding to symphony music; but, we are talking about a 13 week old puppy with endless energy. This was nothing short of amazing. I'm going to try it again tomorrow when he is in his peak state once again.
About the Moses Code, the CD casing reads, "In the Appendix to the book, The Moses Code, author and sound healing pioneer Jonathan Goldman shares an amazing discovery he made while working with James Twyman. Now for the first time, an ancient form of Kabbalistic numerology called Gematria is being combined with the name of God that was given to Moses at the burning bush: I AM THAT I AM. These are frequencies that have never been made public before, and they unlock the power of the Moses Code in profound ways." Yes, profound is a great word to describe this vibrational frequency.