I send up the white flag

"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it."

-Edith Wharton

Strange things were happening - people were being really nice to me. Then, things went back to "normal" the shop owner was a dick to me. The cashier didn't even say thank you when I gave her my money. The young boy just walked in front of me and didn't hold the door of the elevator to be polite. The stranger passing me on my walk didn't return the obligatory "hello". Ah, all back to normal. Everyone is stressed, pissed and in a shitty mood. Wait one minute, could it be me? Next I am going to get myself all worked up and start to feel a cold coming on. It wouldn't be my fault, it would be the change of weather, right? Well, well, now, it couldn't be more obvious. I am the damm Wendy Whiner and the Grumpy Bump all rolled up into one big walking bitch. I do love to be the bitch. It's like leaving the house with the bedroom a mess and the sink full of dishes, a mess, a hurricane, a natural state of chaos. Leaves falling everywhere, wind blowing them down the street and on to the beautifully manicured green lawn next door. Ah, sweet sweet unkempt unorganized mess.

Then, I say to myself, this does not feel good. I don't like this new disorder. I do not like the fact that my energy is so strong that like boom, it fills the room up and people shut doors in my face.

I send up the white flag on the pole. I give up, "UNCLE!" I shout. I will be nice. I will think good thoughts about you. It feels so much better when they come back to me. Hey Universe, I got that one, right?


Bob Decker said…
You're so right. I recently went through a stint of being a real asshole. Just loaded with negative energy. It shifted again and the world is such a much better place. If I could just make sure I remember this lesson all the time...

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