Why does it hurt so much?

Today's card is the Knight of Cups. He is attributed to the sign of Cancer, he even has the Crab of Cancer in his cup. Cups represent the element of Water. Water pertains to the emotions, spirituality,as well as our sense of life's course.
As I look at the card I get the sense that there's a need to put our emotions on the line. Sharing our feelings with others around us is important today. The nature of Cancer is to be sensitive, and to quite a degree, psychically in tune with others.
And this sensitivity can be very painful. I remember as a teenager being so sensitive I would cry at a sad poem or story being read in a class. This drew the derision of the kids around me, which hurt even more.
I've stuffed feelings most of my life. I still do it now, I just tend to do it to a lesser degree than in the past. I credit this to the work I've done with hypnotherapy and magick. Digging into the depths of one's spirit will definitely either get one in touch with hidden emotions and deeply denied feelings whether one likes it or not. And I think this may be the point of retreat for many on the spiritual path.
It's really worth it. To get in touch with my emotions instead of being a "talking head" has brought a great deal of aliveness to my life. Acknowledging my feelings instead of intellectualizing them away has put me more in touch with my inner power and shed much light on things.
If you feel a vague aching in your heart or even a numbness where feelings would be, this is a good place to start exploring. You may go through a box or two of Kleenex in the process and the feeling of release and lightness will be most worthwhile.