If you are not happy: Get in touch with your heart!

If you are not happy, ask yourself: “What is an empowering way to look at this time of my life?”
For me, this is one of the most exciting times of my life! I am in an accelerated home self study course. Spiritual knowledge and understanding is my daily focus.
I have learned before.... and I forgot. Now, I get it. There is no separation between us. My ego has told me in the past that I am separate from you. My ego has told me that I am what I do, the car I drive, the education I have, the people I know, the house I live in and the clothes I wear. I am finding that I am “it”. “It” is me. There is no separation between us and the tree and the dog and me. We are all energies in the Divine Matrix. We are the Divine Matrix. I am like a branch to a tree in the Divine Matrix. I am not my job. I am not who I know. I am not the house I live in or the car I drive. I am not the clothes I wear. I am simply, “it”. We are all “it”.
I am experiencing many “Ah Ha” moments. Wayne Dwyer said that when we are in the womb, we are being pulled. I believe we are being pulled along by “it”. For 9 months we are not making choices. We are not deciding the color of our skin. We are not deciding the color of our eyes. We are in a pure state of being. We are totally in “it”. Guess what? "it" does an amazing job! Then we come out and start living among our families and then we forget. Do you see?
According to author Gregg Braden, he says that when we see a picture that moves us to have a deep feeling, or we simply have a moving experience that is when we are "it" and we are in "it". He says when you are feeling frustrated or stuck in a traffic jam, reach up and gently press your finger tips to your heart and direct your focus to your heart and feel. Feel "it" and know that the traffic or the computer glitch is there to keep you in your ego....not the most comfortable places. So, touch your heart and remember to feel where you came from. According to Kimberly Marin, AP, Rd, your heart has an electrical field that is sixty times greater than the brain. The magnetic field is 5,000 times greater! The heart is the pathway to "it". Get in touch with your heart and you will find many reasons to be happy.