Expanding You

This morning while driving, my focus shifted from the empty road and moved upward to the massive blue sky full of puffy white clouds; drifting further, I saw a vast sea of darkness filled with stars. Seconds later I was back on earth staring at the steering wheel, zooming in on dust particles floating in the sunlight just above my hand. Physically I felt incredibly small, like a spec of dust. Certainly we all have these feelings when we ponder the vastness of what we call the Universe.
My next thought was my energy matter is not small. I am expanding. I visited the stars on the way to Miami and that is huge. You are expanding too. When you get a call from a friend you had been thinking about, it is because your non physical self already visited your friend, just by thinking of them. They in turn picked up the message and physically called you on the phone.
Move your beautiful body today and fill your physical and non-physical self with positive possibilities. Make them unlimited possibilities! Expand your non physical energy with true joyous feeling of gratitude and you will see great things will happen in the physical. The expanding you, is the “you” that is every possible potential and it is all the amazing miraculous must happen outcomes!