In A Recent Survey..............

70% of the people in the United States believe in Satan. Perhaps this is the big nasty virus that the cumulative consciousness in this country is infected with. It's called "The Satan virus". It is mind boggling to imagine that so many people believe in a made up monster. Perhaps "Satan" is the label that 70% of the population uses to explain, what is behind, lust, gluttony, pride, and the other four deadly sins. It all comes down to ignorance. We are beings on a planet in a vast galaxy which is in a Universe with an infinite number of galaxy's and the idea of Satan running around is laughable. Then the believers will say, if you don't believe in Satan, then you probably don't believe in God either....Then you have the Bible, it was written by hand by many people and it was not put into print until 1400 years after Jesus died. It was first written in Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, Latin then in the 16th Century, English, like Satan, much of the Bible is a myth.
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