How would you answer the question?

I am Robyn Polanco (no,you are not your name).
I am human (Is that it? That's what we were told).
I am a wife, a daughter, a mother, a student (no,you are not your profession or title).
I am creative (that's an idea, it is not who you are).
I am happy (that's a state of mind, it's not who you are).
I am wise (that's debatable).
I know, I am energy (Are you energy or are you something else?)
I am now.... ahhh maybe I'm getting somewhere.. (You are not some place and you are not the future)
I am confused.... Who am I? Who are you?

Please click on the title link to view a trailer from Robert Holden, Ph.D.'s book, "Be Happy".....
Who are you and what is your inner truth?
If you have never seen him live, do so, it is well worth the price of admission.


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