Your Cups Runneth Over

This is one of the most benevolent cards in the entire deck. It has also been titled "Perfected Success". It embodies the idea of complete satisfaction in every way. This includes spiritual, financial, and emotional fulfillment.
How can we have all this? Or do we have it already and not recognize it? I have found the key to fulfillment is in being aligned with the Divine Source. As a wise man once said, "Seek ye the the Kingdom of heaven and all these things shall be added unto you"
So how do we align oursleves with the Divine Source? I believe the Divine Source or Unifying source of the Universe is unconditional love.It's in expressing unconditional love to others that we come into alignment with God.
I'm not just expressing a lofty spiritual principle. I have for years been striving to live it. This is why if you have met me face to face you will find me usually smiling. I want to project positive energy to everyone that I meet. I know if I accept others and myself as we are, I'm well on my way to Divine Understanding.
And I have found this rewarding socially, spiritually, and even financially. The Universe has been very generous in providing my needs and many of my wants. It's just a matter of having a fundamental attitude of loving optimism. Try it, you might like it!