Threshold and Grateful

Earlier on Facebook I posted "What's your word of the day?" Several people responded and the words varied and perhaps reflected the kind of day each was having. Threshold stood out and grateful too. Threshold because I like the way it sounds when you say the "shhh part of the word and how it ends in a "da" sound, as if it has a line that one needs to cross to get past it. I hadn't seen the word for awhile, I knew what it meant but I went to the Thesaurus for more and found, opening, beginning, brink, dawn, doorstep, doorway, edge, entrance, gate, point, verge, etc. It's a new year and I can relate to beginning, and edge. Which brings me to the next word. One respondent posted the word "grateful." When I read the post I sighed, "I should have thought of that." I need to remember to be grateful each day. Even if things are bad there is always a lot to be grateful for. Later in the day I went to the person's profile who posted g...