Funny Funny Funny

Sometimes it is best to withhold the truth. Not because the truth is bad, it's just too lengthy to get into the whole truth. For instance, as most of you know my family and I just went on a holiday trip to Italy and Spain. When asked, "How was your trip?" I answered, "It was great! The weather was not great; but, the trip was wonderful." Not much fluff there, nor is there much information.
This morning I was on Skype with my daughter pictured here. She told me that she had started a blog. Cool beans! I immediately went to her blog to check it out. The last post was a journal of our recent family trip and it was spot on, hysterical in hindsight anyway. Enough said, check out her blog at:
So, if you want the raw truth, and not the "oh it was great" story from moi, see what she has to say.