Immediate 2010 Healthcare Changes
A lot of people know my husband and I are health and life insurance agents, and that we own our Florida based business representing many insurance carriers. A lot of you have asked how the new laws will affect our business. The more important question is how are the new laws going to affect you? Because you are our client, friend or family, we want you to be aware of the following elements of the bill. Briefly, the Bill will: • Mandate that everyone must have insurance. • Result in more than 30 million additional people becoming insured. • Provide for subsidized coverage for people that can’t afford it and increase the number of people that will qualify for Medicaid. • Make cuts to Medicare Advantage Plans and change their payment formula. • Increase taxes and fees to many individual Americans and Corporations. • Make many changes to the way Insurance Companies do business from not allowing them to use pre-existing conditions to limiting their rates based on medical loss r...