The Power of the View

We all have a perspective, a view of the way our world works.
Some minds view the glass half empty; those viewers tend to whine and complain blaming others or events for their failings or lack. We all know someone like this and try to avoid them. At least I do.

Others believe life is a banquet, a long unending buffet. The glass half empty group look at these people with envy. Those attending the life banquet however seem to naturally fall into a “good life”. From their perspective, they get exactly what they believe they see, abundance.

Fairly recently, scientists were debating over the nature of light and one group wanted to prove that it was made of particles (photons) and another group believed that light was a wave. Each group set out to prove that the other was wrong.

One group of scientists did prove that light was the result of tiny particles. Then, an a amazing thing happened, the other group of scientists that set out to prove that light behaved like a wave, were also correct. The light in their experiments behaved in waves.  They all agreed that matter will (my words) morph into what we want. In other words, our world view is the way it is because it bends to our thoughts. These experiments explicitly showed that the universe is to us what we ask it to be.
This is the basic premise of the Law of Attraction, at the most fundamental level. This idea was so revolutionary that became the basis of a new worldview, what Dr. Eric Amidi calls the “Quantum Worldview.”

The power of the view is up to you. What beliefs do you hold on to that don’t serve you? When you figure it out, let it go. When you were a child and found out that the Easter Bunny wasn’t real, you let the belief go. Do the same with your silly life beliefs. If your glass is half empty, if you do not believe in your dreams, if you are afraid to try new things, if you lack confidence, snap out of it. That negative belief is no more real than the Easter Bunny. Say goodbye to what isn’t working. See the world in all its perfection. See yourself at the banquet and dance while you’re at it.


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