The Stars

"Every Man and Every Woman is a Star"
All of us are Stars. Everyone has the light of the Divine Essence shining within them. Our fear-based emotions, our clinging to the past and fearing the future, our alienation from who we really are keeps us in dark about our true nature.

And as we discover who and what we really are we stay to our own orbit-we don't collide with other Stars. Everything runs as it should, everything is smooth and pure. It's when we lose track of what we're about that things can be truly rough for us.


Yes, that is so true. There is something that keeps some of us on track, kind of like a Tiger keeping her cubs in wanders too far away and down comes the heavy paw of Momma Tiger putting the cub back where it belongs. The Universe gives us little nudges too. When we push against doors that don't open,we keep pushing and pushing,then, we raise the stakes. We go find a a chain saw and cut the door down. Whoosh, the Universe really gives us a heavy hit and the message keeps getting louder and clearer untill we wake up. that door was off limits! If we are paying attention to the little soft spoken messages it sure makes life as a star a lot smoother!

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