You'll get it.

Let's push away the Spanish Moss, clear the obstacles and go back to an earlier blog submission where I referred to the Cosmic Catalogue. I wrote, something like, just as you place an order at a restaurant you must place your order with the cosmos. You say what you want, let it go and then expect to get it. Just like you do at a restaurant. On this fine topic, it is clear that I still have a little work to do.
The Universe has a funny funny funny sick sense of humor. Here's my story. I put an order in for a check to come to me from out of the blue, totally unexpected by May 1st 2008, a Fifty thousand dollar check I might add. I asked that no one be harmed or hurt but just send the check.
About 2 weeks ago I picked up my mail and there was an envelop addressed to me. I opened it and inside the envelope was another envelop addressed to my husband. I figured it was originally addressed to me so I could open his too. I did. There was a check in the grand amount of are you ready? $50,000.00. I almost fainted. Seriously, I felt the blood drain from my upper body. Then I looked closely at the check and it was written out to someone else. It was a death claim on a life insurance policy that my husband needed to deliver to a widow.
The point is, if I can be honest here, I was totally shocked that it worked and I received a check in the amount of $50,000. My mind told the Universe, "Hey, I know this is a lot to ask for but, send it anyway, please." And I got it alright. The thing is if I expected, really expected it, I wouldn't have been shocked. I would have thought, "wow, it got here early." And for heavens sake, I meant the check would be in MY NAME!!! May 1st is in less than 24 hours and based on my sad low level of belief, you know the result will be pretty low. You do get exactly what you ask for and you do get what you think about. At least I do.