The Violet Flame Meditation

The Violet Flame is without a doubt one of the most powerful meditations I have ever experienced. I get a great sense of inner cleaniness, a tremendous reduction in any inner rage or anger, a decrease of any sort of negativity.

It centers around an ascended master called Saint Germain. Now he wasn't a Catholic saint, he was a French and his first name was Saint. But in a way ascended masters are like saints, they are people who once walked the face of the earth and were given the option upon their demise of either going totally into the light, or, remaining close to the earth and its inhabitants to aid in our spiritual evolution.

The ascended masters correspond to various colors, which in turn are called "rays". These rays get assigned to different chakras and various areas of human endeavor. Saint Germain is in charge of the Violet Ray.

This is the ray of the 21st century, the ray of magick, freedom, and healing. The color violet is of the highest vibration, surpassed only by pure white light. This color soothes the nervous system and can heal us physically (which is why Reiki Symbols are often visualized by practitioners as violet).

It is important to begin with a prayer of protection and a visualizing of white light. You can use whatever you like but the following is especially well suited for use with the Violet Flame.
Lord Michael before, Lord Michael behind,
Lord Michael to the right, Lord Michael to the left,
Lord Michael above, Lord Michael below,
Lord Michael, Lord Michael, wherever I go
I AM his love protecting here!
I AM his love protecting here!
I AM his love protecting here!

Now you can visualize around yourself a nine foot wide pillar of pure diamond white light.
And in the center of the pillar is a six foot wide pillar of pure violet flame.
It's time to recite the following decree.
Beloved I AM presence bright
Round me seal your tube of light
From Ascended Master flame
Called forth now in God's own Name
Let it keep my temple free
From all discord sent to me.

I AM calling forth Violet Fire
To blaze and transmute all desire
Keeping on in freedom's name
Till I am one with the Violet Flame!
(repeat three times)

After reciting this decree imagine yourself surrounded with violet energy. Breath it in and out. Soak it in through the pores of your skin. Let yourself become at one with it. You can do this meditation right now as you're sitting in front of the computer. Be ready for a strong positive shift in your attitude and overall energy.


Thanks Bob. That was a very nice gift. I hope everyone trys this meditation.

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