True Abundance
This coming November marks my twentieth year of sobriety. On November 28th of 1988 I became painfully aware that I had no control of my drinking and cocaine abuse. After a horrific series of binges I knew if I continued to use I would die or go insane. I had been living with a male roommate who had rescued me from living on the street. At one point I had been sleeping in a little electric meter room behind the Midnight Bottle Club. I was sitting in a bar one day, getting ready to drink my last eight dollars I had to my name so I could go pass out inside that little meter room. In walked Chris, one of my co-workers, who had discovered I was homeless. He took me home and gave me some clean clothes and a place to sleep on the living room couch. We became fast friends. We were joined at the hip and shared many drug drenched adventures together. He was sort of like a big brother figure to me. He would watch over me and reel me in when I got too far out there. When I got sober Chris started...