Religulous- A movie worth seeing

Comedian Bill Maher's documentary, "Religulous" opened October 1st and based on the lack of movie houses that let the movie in the door it will probably be a box office flop. That's ok. It was a crack in the door. A start in the right direction. My husband and I saw the movie last night and there was only one other person in the theater. It really wasn't a surprise, as our general populous does not want to hear the truth about religion. I'll tell you the little secret. It's all man made, just like those plastic boxes that our left over and take out food goes in.
Yes, I did just compare religion to a styrofoam box. It holds all the left overs. Sometimes, it holds the food we really didn't need to eat in the first place. It holds sauces and juices that spill out and make a mess. It's that box that we leave in our car and then at a later date we remember we left it there and then it is rotten and it stinks.
Since I was in grade school, I went to church with who ever would take me as my parents would not. I have gone to as many different churches as possible every Sunday for as long as I can remember. I have heard people speak in tongues, speak out right lies, and sound absolutely certain that they are following the word of God. I have dug in deep into the Church of Christ, Buddhism, Baptist, Catholicism, and the Kabbalah. It's all man made. Every word of it.
There are the masses that say, yes, I do believe that Eve was made from the rib of Adam and there was a talking snake in the Garden of Eden. The Mormons believe that their original leader came from another planet. Truthfully, that is more believable than the silly story about Adam and Eve. The first time I got married, I had to go through religious training to get married in the Catholic Church. The funniest thing that my sponsor told me was that Jesus, body and all was indeed up there somewhere sitting at the right hand of God. My husband to be at the time, kicked me under the table because he knew I was getting ready to say something insulting to the man. "Oh, come on..." is all I got out. The man said, "Yes, Jesus's body rose from the dead and he is sitting at the right hand of our Lord, God." "Wow." was my response and felt another kick in the shin.
Bill will get kicked too; but, my kudos go out to Maher for having the balls to say something that no one else seems to dare to say about religion, "I just don't have the answer". For years, I would just let the bible thumpers go on and I would be humored by their passion but, as our world has become more global, it has gotten to be a very scary world in the name of religion. I am not going to just keep silent any longer. Call me a modern day witch, call me a sinner, damned, call me crazy but at least I am not stupid. The movie is rough, and the editing is not great, it's not even good but, the format gives the viewer the rawness, the unpolished opposite of religion in the world today. If you are open minded at all go see the movie this weekend.