What Do You Think?

Today's card is The Sun. This life giving orb represents success, optimism,vitality, and spiritual freedom. This is one of my favorite cards. It's just so bright and vibrant. And besides, I've been an optimist most of my life. And optimism has served me well. Things usually go well in my life. And the times that were really dark had a silver lining, so to speak. There was always a good lesson or something better came to me for going through a particular difficulty or challenge. I actively cultivated this when I was younger. In my teen years I was avidly reading Norman Vincent Peale (do any of you remember The Power of Positive Thinking?). I was also reading success oriented books that stressed visualization and belief in positive results. And I was a Christian fundamentalist at the time! Now as a magician I have a deeper understanding of why this works: The Universe is Mental. Everything manifests as I imagine it in my mind. Energy follows thought. It coalesces around my th...