"Money is evil"

Today's card is the Ten of Disks. Entitled "Wealth", the card is attributed to Mercury in Virgo.
Readers have called this the "Wall Street card". It certainly represents a powerful combination of forces. Mercury, which rules commerce and communications, among other things, is in the Sign which it rules, Virgo. Virgo is a mutable (changeable) Earth sign that signifies careful planning and attention to detail, two things that usually are important to success. Disks represent the element of Earth, while the number ten is associated with earthly manifestation in the Qabalah.
Is this a good day to go buy some lottery tickets? Hmmm...,maybe. It's better so say this is a day where the seeds we have planted in the past can now deliver their harvest. We just have to claim it.
And how do we do that? Anything that we have been applying ourselves to can bear fruit. Now of course this does not have to be financial. This could be any creative endeavor we have been working on. Whether it's music, art, crafts or a skill that can produce practical results, that activity can definitely produce something very good for us today.
Beside the practical effort, we have to believe we deserve it. This has been a challenge for me in the past. I come from a generation where financial gain was seen as greedy and evil, a sell-out to the system. Coupling that with the low self-esteem that I used to have was a recipe for poverty.
We don't have to live in poverty to be spiritual. Money is just another form of energy. It's a particularly important form of energy because it's a requirement to have it in our society. And where we focus our minds is where our energy manifests.
It's good to be balanced in our focus. If our entire focus is on the attainment of material things, our spirituality will have to take a back seat. If we focus on spirituality solely, we'd better be ready to live as impoverished monks. I think it's best to find the balance that enables us to explore our spirituality and take care of our earthly obligations at the same time. Then we are "spiritual beings having a human experience".