Thank God it's over!

This card represents peace and balance. A lot of times when this comes up in reading I'll tell my client that they are stuck in something and unable to move forward. Today as I look at the card I get a sense of resolution of tension, of a seething energy coming to rest.
Thank God Mercury retrograde is over. It started out not so bad, but as time went on it got wearying. If you're not familiar with retrogrades, it's a planetary action that makes it seems as if it's energies are working contrary to it's norm.
Mercury rules communications and technology. During a retrograde misunderstandings and technical glitches can abound. I'm an Aquarius Sun sign and my Mercury is in Aquarius, so this can really kicks my ass at times.
About a week ago I though I was going to lose my desktop computer. In the morning it didn't want to boot, and in the evening it froze at Windows start-up. A call to a knowledgeable friend solved the problem and gave me some excellent knowledge, at the cost of some stress.
A couple days the same computer decided that Microsoft One Note should be the default printer. I'd go to print something and it would bring up this program I never use and I don't have the activation key to use it if I wanted to!
Of course I straightened that out, which was a relief before I went into a titanic struggle to publish my latest podcast episode. After three uploads to my web server it finally went through, though the time counter for the episode says it runs for zero seconds...
And then for about an hour yesterday Google marked every website, including its own, as harmful to our computers. These Mercury retrogrades like to go out with a bang or at least a big bump in the road.
On the other hand, retrogrades are good for delving into the past and clearing up unresolved things. This can be emotional, relationship oriented, or technological in nature. I had a friend come and visit me the other day that I hadn't seen in over twenty years. Both of us are in recovery and it was a joyous reunion. And I did clean up a lot of old files on my computer
So I'm glad it's over and now I can get some work done. I slept better last night than I have in a while. And I feel a lot more peaceful today. It's time to look to creating the future. Do you have any retrograde stories you'd like to share?