20 Rich ideas

2. Money is important! Don’t say that it is not.
3. Stop complaining! What you focus on expands.
4. When you blame, justify or complain you are cutting money out of your life.
5. Focus on massive abundance vs. enough to pay the bills or to be “comfortable”.
6. Be committed. Rich are committed to being rich, poor people want to be rich.
7. Rich people are totally clear. Don’t send mixed messages to the Universe.
8. Rich people think big.
9. Rich see opportunities.
10.Rich focus on the rewards.
11.Rich look for what is right not what is wrong.
12.Rich have confidence.
13.Rich expect to succeed.
14.Rich people make decisions on research and facts.
15.Rich focus on opportunities and poor focus on obstacles.
16.Focus on making and keeping your money…don’t focus on spending your money.
17.Practice optimism and focus on what you have.
19.Rich people admire other rich and successful people and poor resent them.
20.Hang out with rich people.
If you are interested, let me know, the author is speaking in Ft. Lauderdale on May 14th in the evening at the Harbor Beach Marriot Resort.
From Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T. Harv Eker