Love is not an emotion or a thing, it is a choice. That's what some believe. And in a recent post on Face book, the daughter of a friend of mine wrote, "It's so easy, to think about love, to talk about love, to wish for love, but it's not always easy, to recognize love, even when we hold it.... In our hands." My knee jerk reaction was to respond, That's the truth! After a few sips of coffee and a walk with Buddha, my thoughts have changed. It's easy to think about love. Yes... if we are thinking about love...perhaps it is lust or ego fulfillment that we are really thinking about in a grand masquerade called love.Is it easy to talk about love? No, it is not. Most will tell you that their feelings are deep or indescribable and everyone has a different definition of love. Is it easy to wish for love? Again, is it really love we are wishing for? Or, is it a sense of security, something primal or something shallow? The author wrote, "but, it is not always easy to recognize love." For all of the reasons mentioned above, yes, I must agree it is not always easy to recognize love. When I was her age, I met a man on a yacht while I was visiting my parents in the Bahamas. We struck up a conversation about love. While he seemed older and "wiser", what he said still rings in my head today. He told me that love did not exist. It was a mind blowing comment at the time. It bothered me so much that I thought about what he had said for years. For him, love did not exist. Is love a choice? Just like happiness, yes, I believe it is.