Bio-computers running on auto-pilot

What do you think about the idea that our brains are a bio computer? And further, our bio computer is simply an image within a dream or a hologram and we think it runs the wake state and the sleep state we experience…. We think that this bio computer runs all states of consciousness and unconsciousness; but, does it?
Our minds learn and remember data through stories…. Nothing wrong with stories just believing that they are real is all part of the “dream”. Have you ever had a day where you woke up, moved through your morning routine, “zoned-out” while commuting to work, then after arriving at work your bio computer aka your brain set itself on auto-pilot because it’s got your job down….Then you drive home, run errands, then finish off your day the same way you did the evening prior, you ate then perhaps after taxiing the kids to their events you then zone out in front of the television. Then you fell asleep just to download your earlier monotonous day where you were disconnected. And then you woke up and didn’t remember anything from the last 8 hours except that you had to get up to pee sometime during the night. It is time to wake up don’t you think? What is running your brain? What is behind your thought process? Just something to think about while drinking your coffee. It's light... no, really, the force behind our thought process is light.