To be Twenty Again

She mouthed the words, "Oh my God!”

Earlier in the ladies locker room the Brit, Dorothy stood in her black rubber water shoes and her conservative multi-colored one piece bathing suit.

“I have this visor but I just hate the way it feels on my head. I’m not sure why I need it exactly?”

Raising from the bench another woman moved next to Dorothy and looked at their aging reflections in the mirror.

“Wear it. It will keep the sun off your fore head. You will thank me later.”

In the pool surrounded by deep water and suffocated by a floatation belt, the added pressure of the black visor on Dorothy’s head was unbearable. Sloshing to the edge she took off the visor and left it there.

An hour later bare chested, ripped, tan, life guards were in the pool moving the lane lines. Dorothy smiled to herself, “What a delightful treat.” She felt good all over. She even forgot for a moment about the tighter than tight blue Styrofoam waist belt and the shouts from her instructor, “Hold your legs out of the water Dorothy! Let go of the wall Dorothy!” Her face was flushed and she thought she may even break a sweat. “Ok, hang your legs down in the water, roll the water weights in front of you and find a spot!” Dorothy had completely forgotten about the warm early morning sun, the deep water, her sore arms and legs. Her mind drifted to her house and the areas she missed cleaning. There is one more drawer that needs straightening she thought.

She hadn’t noticed when the tanned, half naked, muscular, jet black haired, twenty something, lifeguard stood solo on the side of the pool with his right chiseled arm stretching up holding her black visor high over his head. He yelled, “Did anyone leave this by the side of the pool?”

For that moment, all the women wanted to be twenty again. Dorothy turned to her left and looking over her bare shoulder her eyes locked on the young man, “Mr. June" who was smiling directly at her and looking splendid.

“Ah, yes! It’s mine. Thank you so much. You’re a star!”

Turning her head to the rest of the pool mates Dorothy wondered if they could possibly feel what she was feeling. She imagined sinking and letting go in a deep blue pool of bliss. The tight lines around her eyes and mouth relaxed and for an instant, she felt twenty again.


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