Keys to Happiness

1. Be aware of your body. Happiness has a picture, a physical stance, a look. What do you look like when you are happy? What is your body doing? Are you moving? Are you standing tall with your chest out? Is the big opening on the lower part of your face curving and open showing off the pearly whites? Are your arms crossed over your chest or are they open? If you are having trouble with this, look at someone who is happy and mirror them. You can't help but start to feel happy. Look for happy people.
2. Meditate. Silence is golden. Have you heard of that one? It's true. Just be quiet for a few minutes, be still, look around, listen and be present. Your true happiness lies in the silence within. Observe and be quiet. Meditate every single day of your life. It really works miracles.
3. Know yourself. Have total knowledge of yourself. Recently, I read that all these middle aged people are praying to live until 100 but they don't know who they are, what they want to do or how they can contribute. So, I am wondering, why in the world do they want to live so long when they have already had all this time to get to know the #1 person in their world and they haven't taken the time to do so. Ask every day, "Who am I?" "What do I want?" Know who you are.
4. Live in the moment. The little boy you were or the teenager you were who had this or that happen to you is no longer here. They are gone. The person you will be next week is not here yet. The person you are now is who you are. Let go of regrets for something that happened or didn't happen in the past. It did not happen to the you of today. It happened to the you of another time. It happened last week and it is gone, it's over. The you of today is new.
5. Don't Judge. Don't judge yourself. Don't judge others. Don't judge events that occur. Just don't do it.
6. Get rid of toxins. You know what they are. You know who they are. Anger is a toxin. Foods can be toxic. There is a big toxin that we don't think too much about because it brings us quick pleasure, sugar. It's a bad one. Take it out of your diet and you will experience more happiness.
7. Love. Most forget about this one. Most are worried, fearful, full of self doubt, and the circle goes back to worried again. Inject love. Love yourself first. Love the people in your life. Love nature. Love the potential of this moment. Love this gift of today. Love. Love. Love.
8. Let go of your need for outside approval. Follow your heart. Follow your passion not what other people think. Don't choose to do something because it will impress the outside society. Someone I use to work with said this to me, " I drive an expensive car, live in an expensive neighborhood, send my kids to expensive private schools, wear an expensive watch, wear expensive designer suits and ties to impress people I don't care about." Let go of the need to get outside approval. You will feel so much lighter and life will be fun again.
9. Love what you do. This goes back to knowing yourself. Write down your strengths. Write down what you love to do. Write down what makes you happy. Get to know what you love to do. Get to know yourself. Make a career out of what you love to do. Get creative, anything is possible.
10. Change your thoughts. For the next 10 days write down the main thoughts that come to your mind. Then, after the 10 days are up, go back and look at the quality of the thoughts for the last 10 days. Are they negative in any way? Are they mainly positive? Are you beating yourself up? Don't. Because we are thinking all the time, we hardly have time to stop and analyze what we are thinking so this exercise is just a little slice of your daily thoughts. It is to show you that there is a source in your head talking all the time. Now, you need to tell it what to think about you, the #1 person. If you need to change your thoughts to more positive ones do it.


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