
Showing posts from 2011

The Age of The Sensitive Man

Splashing in the deep end of the adult water fitness class, I couldn't help but notice a man sitting on the side of the pool holding his infant daughter. She was wearing a pink one piece swim suit and a white floppy hat. I doubted that she was even able to walk yet. Her cherub like legs hung down over the edge of the pool and her tiny toes barely touched the surface of the water. The contrast of the man in his prime with guns that rivaled Mr. Florida holding that tiny human was inspiring.   One of the men in my class introduced us to his grandson.   He’s a handsome young man around fifteen.   My British swim mate commented that he was dishy.    He was- dishy but, what was even better was the fact that a fifteen year old would partake in a water fitness class with his seventy-something Granddad.   As touching as the man with his baby girl sitting by the side of the pool, the grandson and grandfather partnering during water exercises was equally as precious.   It’s not somethi

Clean Up Your Air in 24 Hours

What's the First Thing You Can Do to Improve Air Quality in Your Home or Office? . Living closer to nature may actually even help increase your quality of life.   It was NASA, along with the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA), that conducted a classic study on the benefits of plants on indoor air.  NASA reported that houseplants were able to reduce up to 87 percent of air toxins in 24 hours. They recommended using 15 to 18 'good-sized' houseplants in 6 to 8-inch diameter containers for an 1800 square-foot house.  And not just any house plants will do… here's a list of the top 10 anti-pollutant plants rated best by The New… 1.       The Feston Rose plant 2.       Devil's Ivy 3.       Phalaenopsis 4.       English Ivy 5.       Parlor Ivy 6.       African Violets 7.       Christmas Cactus 8.       Yellow Goddess 9.       Garlic Vine 10.   Peace Lily NASA, at the Stennis Space Center, also constructed what they called a BioHo

Rule Breakers

It wasn’t a lazy morning at the outdoor Olympic sized pool. We worked every muscle, even the ones in our mouth. The first hour was deep water abs, hamstrings, triceps and biceps – pure Hell hour. By the end of the second hour we had digressed to working another muscle, the one that allows the tongue to wag. A group of women ranging in age from 40-60 were talking about a girl’s weekend trip to NYC to take in some shows. “We can use our student ID’s and get in for $30,” she said. “What student ID’s?” “The kids make them, it’s easy to get them-fake ones,” she said. That’s when I said, “Wow.” “You are so American,” she said. “I would never think of that. I’m amazed.” Seeing my surprise at the devilish yet simply brilliant idea another woman spoke up. Here’s what she said, “We- a group of people I worked with made fake ID’s and got all the way to the vehicle staging station during the first shuttle launch at Cape Canaveral.” The hinge on my mouth couldn’t have dropped any

You Never Know Who You're Going to Meet

Lately, I've been enrolling seniors on Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage plans offered through AARP by UnitedHealthcare.  Last week I met a powerhouse named Isaac Stavisky. There was something special about him and I couldn't quite put my finger on it.  I did a little digging.  Here's what President Ronald Reagan had to say about him in a speech to B’nai B’rith in 1984. In July of 1983 it was my privilege to meet a brave refugee from Nicaragua, Isaac Stavisky. He told me about the 50 Jewish families who had emigrated to Nicaragua from Eastern Europe since the 1920′s, and about the tragedy that befell them. But let me read you Isaac’s own words: “Nicaraguan Jews never encountered anti-Semitism until the Sandinistas started their revolution . . . Graffiti by Sandinistas was widespread, with attacks on Jews and their religion. One was, `Death to the Jewish pigs.’ In 1978 the Sandinistas sent a strong message to the entire community when the synagogue was attacked

Watch Me

Swimming is heavenly, eventually. For a land lover it’s not easy. It’s a challenge to push muscles that have been used for rollerblading, running, walking, and weight bearing exercises. Trying to breathe with all that water is no fun and the simple act of finding a rhythm can be frustratingly difficult. I was not a swimmer and one day I decided I needed more cardio so I took the plunge.  “Easy for you- you're a jock,” you’re thinking. “No, not true. I hated it. That’s it- this sucks. My goggles are fogged. Now they're leaking. They’re so tight that my eye sockets are killing me. I’ve got water up my nose and it’s burning like hell. I’ve swallowed enough of the pool for a brilliant intestinal cleanse. I can’t do this,” is what I said for the first month. Why in Gods name did I continue the torture? I wasn’t alone. Swimming in the next lane was a silent and patient friend. When I complained she said nothing and just kept swimming. Then something miraculous happened, I gave it

Some Things We Could All Learn From Blue Jays

Persistence   – They come back looking for what sustains them every day even when nothing was there the day before. Balanced allocation of resources   – They first put away some of the new found resources before eating any. Focus – They are not concerned with what others in the vicinity are doing.   It doesn’t matter to them if other birds are in the same tree (even when the others   are fighting amongst themselves).   They   just go about the task of finding what sustains them. Loyalty – Usually they will have a mate that they travel with.   When one finds food, it calls out to the other to come share the treasure J I have made the above observations over a period of 5 years. I have been blessed to observe these beautiful creatures   from my back yard almost every day.   I discovered that they love to eat raw peanuts.   So, whenever I see them on the trees in my back yard, I go out there and spread some peanuts for them to enjoy.   I just love watching them. I feel very blessed to

The Doorway

The Love of God desires to find you and help you as much as you desire to find the Love of God in every aspect of your life. You have everything that you need at this very moment to create "your" heaven on earth. You don't need to be prettier. You don't need to be more handsome. You don't need to be taller or shorter, stronger or skinnier. Have blue eyes or brown eyes. You don't have to be smarter ... or be without sin ... for what is sin? It's just a false thought. You have everything that you need right now to create your heaven on earth. Open your heart, open your mind to the possibility that it can happen, that it is true because that is where it starts. That is the beginning. Hold onto the feeling. Don't let it go. Engrave it in your memory. What would it be like if you were good enough at this very moment without having to change one thing? What if you were good enough to create your heaven on earth? What if? - That question is a doorway. That cr
Each morning we wake to a low hum, that drives us.   The hum is felt in the belly, the heart and in our head. It's the connection to “it.” When you are in tune with the infinite life force, you are in the flow of all creation.   Creativity, inspiration, balance, love, and connection come without effort.   There are more of you than you can imagine-the connected ones.   I implore you to take action in the direction of your dreams. Do it now.        

She Has Moxie and He Has Grit

Dottie, Don and Crabby Cakes Just as the sun came up over the ficus hedge at the Olympic size pool, Crabby Cakes was bellowing to her water fitness junkies. “Engage your hamstrings!” Her booming voice found its way to Don who was chatting in the deep end. “I’m afraid my hamstrings are already in a committed relationship,” he countered. From the side of the pool deck she shrieked. “Don’t you dare try that! I know for a fact, the only relationship your hamstrings are committed to is with the couch!”

An Old Dog Can Learn New Tricks

Before the sun came up over the hedge at the Weston, Florida “Y” pool I learned: 1. Water hides a multitude of sins. Let’s just leave it at that. 2. You can swim from the day you’re born to the day you die. 3. An old dog can learn new tricks!

"What if "it" was an observer watching us and they knew that we didn't know we were in charge?"

Driving home my husband and I went the scenic route and after stopping for lunch I read the first few pages of what I had written in my journal while I was waiting for him to finish his appointment: I want people to get "it" and to think about "it"and to find their own understanding of "it".  For example, do you get the whole concept of "it", I said.  "Yes.  The reason you can call a tree a tree is because your brain uses the electrons and energy waves and goes and finds the memory as well as the label and then you say, tree," he said. "Yes, but I want to talk about where that energy comes from that tells the tree to grow? I know, water pushes up and soil gives nutrients, the sun and the air and the elements all help it grow.  There is something behind that.  What if all of a sudden there was no it?  It would be like the plug was pulled on the TV in the middle of a movie. Everything would end.  Nothing would exist," I said

Tag! You're it.

I looked at that palm waiving at me and it seemed to say, "Tag! You're it." I am it?  I am it.  It allows this body to see that palm tree. It allows the mind to remember to call it a palm tree. It allows the mind to ask, "Where did I go to find that memory to know it is called a palm tree?" It is behind all it is.  It is all. It is behind my thoughts, my emotions, my actions and everything about me. I am nothing without it. It has no start. It has no end. It is everywhere, everyone, and everything. The it in that tree is the "it" in me. Zap one day my body is gone. The "it" of me is still there even though my body is dust. It is all things.  Tag! You're it.

Law Four: Just Have Faith

If you are willing to live by the laws, they will never fail you.  Just have faith. 

Law Three: Just Stay There

Remember the place you came from; yes, the place you say you can't remember.  You can remember. Live every moment from that place. You are connected again to the Infinite Power of the Universe and you are in tune.  Now just stay there. 

Law Two: Just Plug into It

Acknowledging the Supreme Power of the Universe is the start. The moment you plug into the source, peace and optimism will fill you. Focus on complete oneness with the Power and less on what you desire. When you are one with the source, there is no room for doubt or fear. Anyone can do it. You have everything you need to just plug into it.

Law One: Just Know It

Any power that is possible to one human soul is possible to another. The moment the mind grasps the fact that anything is possible, limitations that were once stumbling blocks will vanish. The path will be clear and success is inevitable.  Know that your nature is to be happy.  It's your life and your right to have a magical, abundant, healthy experience with connection and love.  There is no other way.  Just know it. 

Three Things I Learned Before the Sun Came over the Ficus Hedge

1. You gotta have faith 2. Rain hitting the surface of the water looks neat and it's cold 3. The pool is special. It's a huge happy spot- not just where the vents blow bubbles on our tushies.

Three Things I Learned Before the Sun Came up Over the Ficus Hedge

1. The proper way to wear a rash guard is skin tight.  A few years ago Ellie who was probably born under the Roosevelt administration, was new to the adult swim group.  She noticed several of the attendees wore long sleeved shirts in the water.  Her question was logical  and it most definitely had a logical answer. "Excuse me dear, where do I find those shirts everybody's wearing and what size do you think I'll need?" she said to Terri the instructor. Ellie waited in the water next to the twenty other people she had just met.  Terri bellowed, "Go to Ron Jon and tell the sales clerk that you need a rash guard and tell her it needs to fit like a condom.  She'll tell you what size you need." 2. New people to the class don't get special treatment.  3. The more often you attend the morning water class, the more your personal flotation device will shrink and your rash guard will stretch out.

Three Things I Learned Before the Sun Came up Over the Ficus Hedge

Image 1. In S.Fla. When the weatherman says there's a 40% chance of rain, he's low balling it-it's going to rain. 2. That rain will not come early in the morning.  The air needs to heat up inorder for it to rain.  3. Men who wear tool belts are more popular than the average male.

Three things I learned in Adult Swim this morning

B & B is not bed and breakfast it's butts and boobs.- Terri  ;-) Gay men use more Botox than any other demographic- Ellie When exercising, if you can’t touch your feet don't worry, just grab your balls.-Terri to Don Drum roll please- Hans to my daughter Tori, "You don't need to go to grad school.  We can teach you everything you'll ever need to know.- Spoken like a Senior Scholar.

Gin Soaked

A year ago Doris was in the beauty parlor where she overheard the conversation of a much older woman talking to another woman.  "The recipe?  Oh, you take golden raisins, put them in a jar, cover them with gin and screw the lid on. Put them in the refrigerator and let them absorb the gin for about a week." Doris the eternal lady kept quiet and waited to hear the rest of the conversation. The senior continued, "Every day for the rest of your life, down a teaspoon full in the morning. Your arthritis will be a thing of the past." Doris sat wide eyed and made a mental note to purchase golden raisins and gin on her way home.                                                   *          *          *          *          *          * The other day in the pool my favorite wet people who are old enough to have arthritis brought up the subject of raisins, vodka, gin and rum. I don't remember what we were talking about that brought us to that topic. Maybe it was the c


My little revolution started while I was in the midst of a sugar high. I already inhaled an entire box of Boston baked beans and I was working on a bar of white chocolate.  While driving to Miami in my jeep with the top down, I looked at the stand still traffic in the opposite direction on the Turnpike and laughed. I held my arm up high and waved good bye to those frustrated souls. Many a day I’d been stuck in the worst Miami traffic; but, not today. Today, I was zooming just not fast enough for some people. A U-haul truck came up tight on my bumper and flashed his lights for me to move over. He was on a mission and wanted me out of his way. I moved to the right lane. As he passed, he slowed down to take a look at me, the putz who didn’t move over fast enough. I turned toward him and in Miami style I put up that finger- the middle one. Then, my eyes locked on the eyes of the man in the passenger seat and my pointer finger popped up next to my middle finger. The passenger in the truc

Chocolate is adictive and this is why

This morning during our walk, my neighbor Lori and I were talking about cravings. The only thing I want is chocolate and a cinnamon roll from Knaus Berry Farm in Homestead Florida but that’s for another blog post. Lori said, “There must be something in chocolate that you’re not getting in your normal diet.” So, I wondered what it was. I decided to do a little research on what the heck is in chocolate besides the obvious because I am completely adicted to it.  Here's what I found out. Dark chocolate contains the following mood altering compounds: 1. Caffeine – Naw, there is plenty of caffeine in my daily pot of Java. 2. Cannabinoids- A chemical that closely resembles the stuff in marijuana. It makes one feel euphoric and relaxed. Euphoria is good. Ding! 3. Phenylethylanine- A hallucinogen with properties similar to amphetamines (which are highly addictive) that produce feelings of mental alertness and wellbeing. Ding- Ding! 4. Flavonoids- Which are suppose to contribute t