
Showing posts from 2009

Thanks and Praise

Proclamation of Thanksgiving Washington, D.C. October 3, 1863 This is the proclamation which set the precedent for America's national day of Thanksgiving. During his administration, President Lincoln issued many orders like this. For example, on November 28, 1861, he ordered government departments closed for a local day of thanksgiving. Sarah Josepha Hale, a prominent magazine editor, wrote a letter to Lincoln on 28, 1863, urging him to have the "day of our annual Thanksgiving made a National and fixed Union Festival." She wrote, "You may have observed that, for some years past, there has been an increasing interest felt in our land to have the Thanksgiving held on the same day, in all the States; it now needs National recognition and authoritative fixation, only, to become permanently, an American custom and institution." The document below sets apart the last Thursday of November "as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise."

The Peace Sign

Today I was driving in my jeep with the top down. Wearing my red bandanna and groovy sun glasses, I cruised flying high on an over pass. As I came down the ramp, I felt like I defined freedom. I wanted to throw my hands straight up in the air like I was on a ride at an amusement park, for safety sake, instead I let a primal scream soar up to the blue sky filled with billowing white clouds. The young man in the car behind me roared past me with his moon roof open. He must have felt it too, freedom. He stretched one hand high trough the open roof and gave me the peace sign. Ah, a kindred spirit I thought, smiling bright, I extended my left hand high waving "Peace" to my brother then I laughed uncontrollably. According to Wikipedia,the Peace sign or the "V" sign,or the “victory sign,” is a hand gesture with the index and middle fingers open and all others closed. It was used as a sign for victory during the Second World War by Winston Churchill, originally with palm in

Bob's Blazing Tarot Blog

Can't Sleep, just relax....

Everyone knows at least a little something about meditation... For the past few years, I've collected several books on meditation as well as several tapes and CD's. Yesterday before I went to sleep I learned some useful information about getting into a relaxed state quickly. All you have to do is relax your tongue. Physiologist will nod their heads in agreement. Yes,relaxing your tongue is the quickest way to relax your body and mind;I bet you didn't know that, did you? When you lay down to go to sleep tonight and your brain is going a zillion miles thinking ..... just take a few deep breaths and relax your tongue. The next thing you'll remember is waking up refreshed in the morning!

Bob's Blazing Tarot Blog

Bob's Blazing Tarot Blog


As I sit here clicking away on the keyboard on the eve of 09/09/09 I feel as giddy as a child the night before Christmas. It is undeniable even to the skeptics,the number 9 has something special and enduring about it. It's my favorite number along with the number 3. Since I have no real data about the number 9 and just a hunch that it's significant, I did a little research and Googled "Interesting facts about the number 9" and found 44,000,000 sites with loads of information. In China, the number 9 is viewed as a "lucky" number. Most of the doors in Forbidden City have 9 rows of 9 nails. In the Bible, while nailed on the cross, Jesus Christ expires at the ninth hour. Then, he appears nine times to his disciples and apostles after his resurrection.There are nine openings of the man for Islam. There are nine stages that the souls of Aztecs should traverse to reach the eternal rest. It takes 9 months for a human fetus to develop in the womb. For the analytical

Bob's Blazing Tarot Blog


Dear Universe, Thank you for your messages today. They were simple but obviously very important because you gave me three chances to take action. The first message you sent was brilliant and thankfully easy for me to understand. Early this morning, I was drawn to a particular chapter in a book on my nightstand. As you know, the text was about the use of crayons to get in touch with childhood dreams that had been long forgotten. I loved the idea and had good intentions to follow through today and find some crayons. Then, the day turned to night and before I knew it, it was 9:00 and I found myself opening an email which by the way was a freaky second message. The email was from a friend in Chicago and it had a dozen attachments of masterpieces drawn with, well, you know, crayons. WOW! I was so excited that I started writing you a letter and posting it in this blog. As I was typing the final line of my letter, everything went blank and nothing was saved. I do recall that the last line I h

Weekly Three Card Tarot Reading

Weekly Three Card Tarot Reading

Dogs are primal Einsteins

When my two daughters started an argument in the car earlier today, they brought it into the house and continued throwing not only verbal balls of fire but also unseen energy. Even after a few hours passed and they were able to quietly converse about their differences the air was still ripped with tension. Our family dog scratched on the outside of the door to my office seeking shelter and I gladly let him into my cave. When he heard their voices getting louder,he pushed my legs aside and hid under my desk. He is laying at my feet as I type this. I don't think he has ever hid under my desk or his cave. Which brings me to what we don't know about dogs. There are thousands of sites that contain the topic of how anger effects dogs. At one of them, I found the following supporting material, "Many dogs slink away and hide or sulk when their human "parents" argue. A major league fight between adults really seems to take its toll on some dogs. It appears from the dog&

Just Move It!

Earlier I was sitting in a dark air conditioned room, my legs were pumping up and down, spinning,so fast that I had sweat dripping on to the mat below my stationary bike. I was in a spin class and the instructor was a senior citizen who was kicking my butt and the butts of those around me.... "Take a water break if you need it", he yelled out over the blasting song, "Born to be alive." At that moment, I took my water break without missing a step and kept up the frantic spin pace on my bike. Then, it hit me, total euphoria! This is what juices me. I love to move, to feel blood pulsing and the body sweating and purifying itself. I felt alive! There is an entire study on human physiology and the science of human movement and its effects on the body. I highly recommend moving your tush today. If a spin class is not for you, try a bike ride, roller blade, a long walk, dance, swim, surf, golf, play kick ball, soccer or jump rope! Enjoy being alive.

Weekly Three Card Reading

Just Smile

My Mother told me to smile. The simple act of smiling would make my day better she said. She also said that smiling would make a huge impact on the people I came in contact with. This is a short post. I could say,"Just do it" but,"Just smile" is more to the point.

What makes you happy?

I love happiness. I want to know more so I signed up for an eight week online course with Dr. Robert Holden the author of "Be Happy". It is week three and the awareness is bringing "happiness" to greater levels in my life. I thought I would share some of the material with you. When you wake tomorrow morning,on a scale of 1-10 decide how happy you will be. What would you like to be today? What would you like to give? What would you like to receive? What is the real work of your life? What is it that you want to work for? What is it that you want to do. As you think about the "more" that you really really want to be; what are the qualities that you would like to bring forth? What are the talents and strengths that you would surrender to and say yes to? What is the real "more" that you would like to be and give? If you were a better receiver what would you most like to receive, accept and enjoy? What would make you happier?

Bio-computers running on auto-pilot

What do you think about the idea that our brains are a bio computer? And further, our bio computer is simply an image within a dream or a hologram and we think it runs the wake state and the sleep state we experience…. We think that this bio computer runs all states of consciousness and unconsciousness; but, does it? Our minds learn and remember data through stories…. Nothing wrong with stories just believing that they are real is all part of the “dream”. Have you ever had a day where you woke up, moved through your morning routine, “zoned-out” while commuting to work, then after arriving at work your bio computer aka your brain set itself on auto-pilot because it’s got your job down….Then you drive home, run errands, then finish off your day the same way you did the evening prior, you ate then perhaps after taxiing the kids to their events you then zone out in front of the television. Then you fell asleep just to download your earlier monotonous day where you were disconnected. And th

A dream

A few nights ago, I had a prophetic dream. Yes, I know that sounds like a bright ego label but, it's the only way I can describe the dream. The dreamer was reading some material on a technical device which read, "In the year 2026 there will be absolute interplanetary communication which will alter the way life on Earth communicates. It went on to say that the news will be MINDBLOWING. The reader was focused on the word "mindblowing". It was written as one word instead of two and it was written in capital letters. In the dream, I was the reader. The definition of mind-blowing is, " affecting the mind or mood or other mental processes." When I woke and crossed through to the waking dream state, what I clearly came back with was the knowledge that by 2026, we will have the tools to communicate clearly in a way that is impossible to most humans now.

Your Cups Runneth Over

The card above is the Ten of Cups. Entitled "Satiety", it is attributed to Mars in Pisces. Cups and Pisces represent the element of Water, which in turn rules the emotions, spirituality, and our sense of life's course. This is one of the most benevolent cards in the entire deck. It has also been titled "Perfected Success". It embodies the idea of complete satisfaction in every way. This includes spiritual, financial, and emotional fulfillment. How can we have all this? Or do we have it already and not recognize it? I have found the key to fulfillment is in being aligned with the Divine Source. As a wise man once said, "Seek ye the the Kingdom of heaven and all these things shall be added unto you" So how do we align oursleves with the Divine Source? I believe the Divine Source or Unifying source of the Universe is unconditional love.It's in expressing unconditional love to others that we come into alignment with God. I'm not just expressing a l

20 Rich ideas

1. Create your life; do not wait for life to just happen to you. 2. Money is important! Don’t say that it is not. 3. Stop complaining! What you focus on expands. 4. When you blame, justify or complain you are cutting money out of your life. 5. Focus on massive abundance vs. enough to pay the bills or to be “comfortable”. 6. Be committed. Rich are committed to being rich, poor people want to be rich. 7. Rich people are totally clear. Don’t send mixed messages to the Universe. 8. Rich people think big. 9. Rich see opportunities. 10.Rich focus on the rewards. 11.Rich look for what is right not what is wrong. 12.Rich have confidence. 13.Rich expect to succeed. 14.Rich people make decisions on research and facts. 15.Rich focus on opportunities and poor focus on obstacles. 16.Focus on making and keeping your money…don’t focus on spending your money. 17.Practice optimism and focus on what you have. 19.Rich people admire other rich and successful people and poor resent them. 20.Hang out with

What is Love?

Love is not an emotion or a thing, it is a choice. That's what some believe. And in a recent post on Face book, the daughter of a friend of mine wrote, "It's so easy, to think about love, to talk about love, to wish for love, but it's not always easy, to recognize love, even when we hold it.... In our hands." My knee jerk reaction was to respond, That's the truth! After a few sips of coffee and a walk with Buddha, my thoughts have changed. It's easy to think about love. Yes... if we are thinking about love...perhaps it is lust or ego fulfillment that we are really thinking about in a grand masquerade called love.Is it easy to talk about love? No, it is not. Most will tell you that their feelings are deep or indescribable and everyone has a different definition of love. Is it easy to wish for love? Again, is it really love we are wishing for? Or, is it a sense of security, something primal or something shallow? The author wrote, "but, it is not always

How would you answer the question?

WHO ARE YOU? I am Robyn Polanco (no,you are not your name). I am human (Is that it? That's what we were told). I am a wife, a daughter, a mother, a student (no,you are not your profession or title). I am creative (that's an idea, it is not who you are). I am happy (that's a state of mind, it's not who you are). I am wise (that's debatable). I know, I am energy (Are you energy or are you something else?) I am now.... ahhh maybe I'm getting somewhere.. (You are not some place and you are not the future) I am confused.... Who am I? Who are you? Please click on the title link to view a trailer from Robert Holden, Ph.D.'s book, "Be Happy"..... Who are you and what is your inner truth? If you have never seen him live, do so, it is well worth the price of admission.

Weekly three card Tarot reading

We live on a rock

"We live on a rock. There ain't no rhyme. There ain't no reason. We live on a rock, just one of many hurling around in some big jambalaya..... There ain't no answers, there's just this. And all you can really hope to do is find a couple of people who'll make it the 70 or 80 years that we get to live on this sweet, swinging, sphere to remotely make it tolerable." -Detective Ray "Life on Mars" My all time favorite TV show.


I am not sure that I believe in God per say but I do believe in prayer. Prayer is an internal voice and that internal voice has the power to heal. When that voice is combined with like voices the power is on a global scale. "Ancient wisdom reveals a "lost mode of prayer" that can solve humanity's problems." from Gregg Braden's book, The Isaiah Effect. Prayer is a result of creating something within yourself that reflects to the outside world. When you choose peace for yourself and others, it manifests through the world. When you choose to heal your body and heal others, the earth heals. It seems pretty basic. Our thoughts, our prayers are forces. You are a powerful source. This comes from your heart as when you put feeling behind prayer, it is amplified. Braden, gives an example of a mass prayer that was done when issues escalated in Iraq years ago. He is very clear that the mass prayer was not for that situation to end, but instead was a choice of each

This Saturday, April 11th.

Click on the link and please do it. Thanks.

"Be Happy" Send this link to your friends!

He wouldn't call himself "The Happiness Guru" but I sure do. Last year I heard him speak for the first time and I was hooked. He is Robert Holden, Ph.D. the author of ten best selling books. "Be Happy" is his latest release. According to his publisher, Hay House, Inc. Holden gives the reader a front-row seat to his eight-week happiness program—famously tested by independent scientists for the BBC-TV documentary called How To Be Happy. Scientists hailed Robert's work as "a genuine fast-track to happiness." "Robert's work is about helping you rediscover the joy of who you really are. He explains: "Happiness is a spiritual path. The more you learn about true happiness, the more you discover the truth of who you are, what is sacred, and what your life is really for. By walking back to happiness—the happiness that exists within you right now—you reacquaint yourself with your true identity, with your true values, and with your true purpose.

The reason we don't remember our past lives

During my two hour walk with Buddha,my great and wise teacher, we meditated on reincarnation and why most of us do not remember our past lives. Most of us remember our nightly dreams and then we wake up. The simple act of waking and having the realization that it was just a dream and it was not real, allows us to forget the experience. So, the big question is, when we wake up from this dream, the one we call our "life" will we remember that it was not real?

In A Recent Survey..............

70% of the people in the United States believe in Satan. Perhaps this is the big nasty virus that the cumulative consciousness in this country is infected with. It's called "The Satan virus". It is mind boggling to imagine that so many people believe in a made up monster. Perhaps "Satan" is the label that 70% of the population uses to explain, what is behind, lust, gluttony, pride, and the other four deadly sins. It all comes down to ignorance. We are beings on a planet in a vast galaxy which is in a Universe with an infinite number of galaxy's and the idea of Satan running around is laughable. Then the believers will say, if you don't believe in Satan, then you probably don't believe in God either....Then you have the Bible, it was written by hand by many people and it was not put into print until 1400 years after Jesus died. It was first written in Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, Latin then in the 16th Century, English, like Satan, much of the Bible is a

The House Story

This is a story about a house... and it's a true story. Since my Mom was a single parent and a working woman, I'd walk home from school each day and stop at a huge yellow duplex that my Aunts and Uncles lived in. I would wait there until my Mom came to pick me up after work. One Aunt and one Uncle lived on each side of the house. There were two of everything, two kitchens, two staircases, two basements, two glassed in porches, and two big picture windows. I'd only have to walk a block or so until I would see my two Aunts sitting inside one of the big picture windows waiting for me to come by. The moment I saw them, I felt warm, safe and loved. After all, like a lab sits and waits at the bus stop for their favorite human, every day, my Aunts sat and waited for me. A huge smile would light up my face and with a waive, I would be off, rushing down the long drive, curving around the house to the second back door (I told you there was two of everything!). I'd gleefuly

Bob's Blazing Tarot Blog-03/22/09

Photos I like


Meditate on your feelings

Today is St. Patrick's Day. It's a day that I join many in saying, "May the luck of the Irish be with you!" Here is a question for you to ponder: How do you feel about luck? Are you lucky? Some people feel lucky some times and some people feel lucky all the time and then there are those who say they have no luck. Some don't believe in luck. The dictionary says the following about luck, "Luck is the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities." My view is, if you are here on this vacation on Earth with all of us, you were born and that alone makes you lucky. There is a force, call it luck if you will, and that force is behind your feelings, thoughts and words. Yes, definitely, you are one of the lucky ones. Remember that and think on your feelings of luck today.

Bob's Blazing Tarot Blog-first podcast!

I just made my first podcast for my daily tarot blog at Mobile post sent by bobdecker using Utterli . Replies . mp3

Expanding You

This morning while driving, my focus shifted from the empty road and moved upward to the massive blue sky full of puffy white clouds; drifting further, I saw a vast sea of darkness filled with stars. Seconds later I was back on earth staring at the steering wheel, zooming in on dust particles floating in the sunlight just above my hand. Physically I felt incredibly small, like a spec of dust. Certainly we all have these feelings when we ponder the vastness of what we call the Universe. My next thought was my energy matter is not small. I am expanding. I visited the stars on the way to Miami and that is huge. You are expanding too. When you get a call from a friend you had been thinking about, it is because your non physical self already visited your friend, just by thinking of them. They in turn picked up the message and physically called you on the phone. Move your beautiful body today and fill your physical and non-physical self with positive possibilities. Make them unlimited possib

Building Personal Charisma

This is a podcast I published a while back to help you build up self confidence and personal magnetism with hypnosis Mobile post sent by bobdecker using Utterli .    Replies .   mp3
About a year ago I saw the movie trailer for Happy-go-lucky, a British film.... guess what, it was nominated last night for best screen play. If you can find it in the movie theaters, go see it. I promise you will laugh and come away lighter. Here is the link to the trailer:

Surrender Box, A Place for Worries and Fears-by Daily Om

There are times when our minds become too full. Our to-do lists, worries, plans, and dreams may be so crowded together in our heads that we don’t have room to think. We may believe that we are somehow taking care of our desires and concerns by keeping them at the forefront of our minds. In maintaining our mental hold on every detail, however, we may actually delay the realization of our dreams and the resolution of our worries because we won’t let them go. At times such as these, we may want to use a surrender box. A surrender box allows us to let go of our worries and desires so the universe can take care of them for us. We write down what we want or need to happen and then place the note into a box. By writing and placing our thoughts in the box, we are taking action and letting the universe know we need help and are willing to surrender our feelings. We give ourselves permission to not concern ourselves with that problem any longer and trust that the universe is taking care of it. Y


This podcast will help you establish a place on your body that you can associate with a particular strength you may need (self-confidence, enthusiasm, etc.). This is a very powerful technique that can serve you for a lifetime. Mobile post sent by bobdecker using Utterli .    Replies .   mp3

Time for a little hypnosis...

I love hypnosis.It makes people feel really good.I'm sharing some relaxation as well as testing my new Logitech USB headset. For a direct recording to the internet, I think it came out pretty well. Let me know what you think. Mobile post sent by bobdecker using Utterli .    Replies .   mp3

I love my girls!

I love you! This goes out to the best daughters in the world! You are my two favorite girls! Click on the title link, enjoy the message and the great beat! love is love! Happy Valentines Day! Love, Mom

the Dawning of the AGE of Aquarius this Valentine's Day 2009

Calling all lovers!

"The optimist is right and the pessimist is right. They are both right from their particular point of view." Ralph Waldo Trine,In Tune With The Infinite. This week is Valentine's week so it's natural to think about love. While you are thinking, please share your thoughts right here. There is no wrong or right thought. If you are not comfortable writing, you can post a favorite line, poem, video, or movie trailer or anything appropriate. Tell us what you love!

White light meditation

I made this podcast a while back to help people protect themselves spiritually and to just feel good. My website is Mobile post sent by bobdecker using Utterli .    Replies .   mp3

Can You Forgive?

Today's card is the Nine of Swords. Entitled "Cruelty", the card is attributed to Mars in Gemini. This card has come up several times on this blog. I know I tend to hold in anger and resentment, so I know some of this is directed at me. I've gotten better in recent years in identifying it, releasing it or transmuting it, whatever the case may be. I carried anger because I was picked on as a kid. I didn't fit in with the people around me, and a lot of times I didn't care. I was the loner, the kid who played by himself in the corner of the schoolyard. I was also bullied and teased by those around me. Things weren't much better in high school. I was very intellectual, the bookworm and classical music lover at a time when drugs and rock n roll dominated the scene. I was very alienated from my classmates and my parents could not understand me. In college I began to drink and experiment with drugs. I thought I had found a way to fit in and a means to stuff the d

My Second Podcast

This is episode 2 of Bob's Ten Minute Tune-up.In this podcast I show you a technique for taking the edge off of bad feelings from people saying mean things to you. Mobile post sent by bobdecker using Utterli .    Replies .   mp3

What is Happiness

Today's card is the Nine of Cups. It's entitled "Happiness" and is attributed to Jupiter in Pisces. This card has come up recently in some of my blogs, which means it wants to tell me something. It certainly a card of blessing. Jupiter is a planet of expansion and prosperity, while Pisces is a Water sign ruled by Jupiter, which means Jupiter is right at home. Much has been written about the "pursuit of happiness". Many people pursue material wealth and an extensive amount of possessions as a means of acquiring happiness. Others believe if they could only find the perfect mate they would have dreams fulfilled. I've come to the conclusion that happiness isn't a goal that can be pursued in and of itself. It's the byproduct of following our True Will. This "True Will" is the same thing as our purpose in life. This in turn ties in with our innate talents and our inner spirit. Expressing this upon the earth is what will bring us happiness. I&

Thoughts and Feelings

Today's card is the Five of Swords. Entitled "Defeat", the card is attributed to Venus in Aquarius. This is undoubtedly one of the ugliest cards in the Tarot. The energy is simply yuck! The nature of the defeat is self-defeat. It's the mind getting in its own way. Or to be more accurate, it's a messy conglomeration of emotions and disordered thought. And it's very easy to fall into this. Very,very easy. Our thoughts, fueled by emotional energy, create our reality. This was always the limitation of some of the positive thinking books from the earlier part of the 20th century. They were right, energy does follow thought, and it needs emotional energy to feed it. What we feed it makes the difference. I have to be into what I want, really into it to make it happen. Just vaguely daydreaming doesn't cut it, which is why our daydreams usually don't manifest anything except wasted time. To manifest something is to really being into having it happen. Wholeheart

If you are not happy: Get in touch with your heart!

If you are not happy, ask yourself: “What is an empowering way to look at this time of my life?” For me, this is one of the most exciting times of my life! I am in an accelerated home self study course. Spiritual knowledge and understanding is my daily focus. I have learned before.... and I forgot. Now, I get it. There is no separation between us. My ego has told me in the past that I am separate from you. My ego has told me that I am what I do, the car I drive, the education I have, the people I know, the house I live in and the clothes I wear. I am finding that I am “it”. “It” is me. There is no separation between us and the tree and the dog and me. We are all energies in the Divine Matrix. We are the Divine Matrix. I am like a branch to a tree in the Divine Matrix. I am not my job. I am not who I know. I am not the house I live in or the car I drive. I am not the clothes I wear. I am simply, “it”. We are all “it”. I am experiencing many “Ah Ha” moments. Wayne Dwyer said that when we

Thank God it's over!

Today's card is the Four of Sword. Entitled "Truce", the card is attributed to Jupiter in Libra. This card represents peace and balance. A lot of times when this comes up in reading I'll tell my client that they are stuck in something and unable to move forward. Today as I look at the card I get a sense of resolution of tension, of a seething energy coming to rest. Thank God Mercury retrograde is over. It started out not so bad, but as time went on it got wearying. If you're not familiar with retrogrades, it's a planetary action that makes it seems as if it's energies are working contrary to it's norm. Mercury rules communications and technology. During a retrograde misunderstandings and technical glitches can abound. I'm an Aquarius Sun sign and my Mercury is in Aquarius, so this can really kicks my ass at times. About a week ago I though I was going to lose my desktop computer. In the morning it didn't want to boot, and in the evening it froz

What Do You Think?

Today's card is The Sun. This life giving orb represents success, optimism,vitality, and spiritual freedom. This is one of my favorite cards. It's just so bright and vibrant. And besides, I've been an optimist most of my life. And optimism has served me well. Things usually go well in my life. And the times that were really dark had a silver lining, so to speak. There was always a good lesson or something better came to me for going through a particular difficulty or challenge. I actively cultivated this when I was younger. In my teen years I was avidly reading Norman Vincent Peale (do any of you remember The Power of Positive Thinking?). I was also reading success oriented books that stressed visualization and belief in positive results. And I was a Christian fundamentalist at the time! Now as a magician I have a deeper understanding of why this works: The Universe is Mental. Everything manifests as I imagine it in my mind. Energy follows thought. It coalesces around my th

Answer to question for Bob

This video was a live capture direct to YouTube the day of the Inaugeration. Solaris is a dear friend and experienced astrologer.I ask in this video her take on the effects of the Mercury retrograde, among other things. Her answers are most insightful.

A Question for Bob

Hi Bob, You seem to know quite a bit about Mercury Retrogrades. We are in the midst of one right now and Mr. Obama has signed contracts and has just taken the oath of office. Please assure me that President Obama will last in office and that just because he moved into the White House during a Mercury doesn't mean his stay will be cut short.


Blogging is fairly new to me. I am not sure I even do it like I should. I've been posting my comments, thougths, and sometimes the events of the day and most of the time I see responses in my personal email in box. This leads me to believe that it is not an easy process to leave a comment here on this site. Then again, perhaps there is another reason why not too many of you write comments or write a page once in awhile. To those of you who have taken the time to flex your creative mind and tap out your thoughts, as well as shared a personal part of yourself with all who come here and read, thank you. Sharing what you write is difficult to do. Prior to writing this blog, I rarely ever shared anything that I ever wrote with anyone, except for the obligatory "Thank you" note. And that really doesn't count. A few years ago I wrote a long letter to a relative and they wrote back stating that I should write for a living. Needless to say, my ego was fed and it di

Why does it hurt so much?

Today's card is the Knight of Cups. He is attributed to the sign of Cancer, he even has the Crab of Cancer in his cup. Cups represent the element of Water. Water pertains to the emotions, spirituality,as well as our sense of life's course. As I look at the card I get the sense that there's a need to put our emotions on the line. Sharing our feelings with others around us is important today. The nature of Cancer is to be sensitive, and to quite a degree, psychically in tune with others. And this sensitivity can be very painful. I remember as a teenager being so sensitive I would cry at a sad poem or story being read in a class. This drew the derision of the kids around me, which hurt even more. I've stuffed feelings most of my life. I still do it now, I just tend to do it to a lesser degree than in the past. I credit this to the work I've done with hypnotherapy and magick. Digging into the depths of one's spirit will definitely either get one in touch with hidden

"Money is evil"

Today's card is the Ten of Disks. Entitled "Wealth", the card is attributed to Mercury in Virgo. Readers have called this the "Wall Street card". It certainly represents a powerful combination of forces. Mercury, which rules commerce and communications, among other things, is in the Sign which it rules, Virgo. Virgo is a mutable (changeable) Earth sign that signifies careful planning and attention to detail, two things that usually are important to success. Disks represent the element of Earth, while the number ten is associated with earthly manifestation in the Qabalah. Is this a good day to go buy some lottery tickets? Hmmm...,maybe. It's better so say this is a day where the seeds we have planted in the past can now deliver their harvest. We just have to claim it. And how do we do that? Anything that we have been applying ourselves to can bear fruit. Now of course this does not have to be financial. This could be any creative endeavor we have been working

Today Om wrote........"A Seperate Reality"

Like many of you, I am on the receiving end of 'daily' emailed messages. 'Daily Om' is one of my favorites. Usually I scan over the email looking for key phrases to see if the entire page is worth the full read and this morning it was. It is about being disconnected from the Universe. I kept reading because I wasn't sure I agreed with the author that one could become disconnected. As I read on, I realized exactly where the author was going a gave them a thumbs up. The numb feeling, the everything is a blur sensation, the autopilot feeling is the disconnect. The solution to the disconnect problem is the best part of the article, the author wrote: 'You may also want to make a list of the activities and kinds of experiences that touch your soul. Try to pinpoint the times when you have felt fully engaged and aware and ask yourself what you were doing.' I might have added, do it. Do it now. Frankly, I know there are a lot of numb people, and as the author suggest

Bob's Blazing Tarot Blog-1/07/09

I enjoy video blogging a great deal. Some people call it vlogging, some call it vidcasting. Whatever you want to call it, it's a lot of fun. If it wasn't , yours truly wouldn't be doing it. I love the Tarot. In my opinion, it's an excellent medium for communicating spiritual truths, as well as a means of addressing the mundane concerns of those around me. And as much as I enjoy making audio files for hypnosis, an audio file just doesn't do justice to visual medium such as the Tarot. Hence my passion for video blogging. The last couple of times I posted one of these here I used my video from Myspace or Youtube and embedded the player in the blog. As I'm writing this I've uploaded my video file directly to Blogger. I'm eager to see how this turns out. I'm going to be posting video here on a very regular basis along with some written blogs. Any and all feedback is welcome in the comments section.